In Defence of WAYS

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Sep 9, 2022
For those who don't know it, don't read it, don't post on it, are new members here, or have been living under a rock, the "What Are You Smoking" ("WAYS") thread is a recurrent, monthly discussion of what people are smoking, daily, hourly, up-to-the-minute.

It is a sprawling testament of joy, sorrow, vice, and redemption.

Cultural historians will probe its labyrinthine prose.

It may yet spawn a movement.

But—as any astute observer of human nature might have anticipated—certain nattering nabobs have chosen to malign this forum's WAYS thread, either through ignorance, misdirection, jealousy, or pure maliciousness.

So to those of you who know it, who read it, to its very architects, what the hell is it? What compels you to post on it every day; day in, day out? What's it for? Do you read all of it? Can you keep up? Is it possible to follow it? What does it do for you?

And most importantly, what should anyone who doesn't contribute to it—and who would even opine against its very existence—be informed about it, which might offer them a change of heart and mind?


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
I am glad you posted this. I , too, have read posts where individuals have maligned the WAYS thread as well as its posters, using diminishing statements to undercut the credibility of the posters as being people who feel the need to show off a new pipe, or perhaps feeling the need to be in a beauty contest.

WAYS is a great place to see what is being smoked, both in terms of tobaccos and pipes. It is also a great place to see the faces of so many various posters. In many cases, friendships are made due to the opportunity to have more of a conversation with another smoker over time. Each day you see what your friend is smoking, and eventually, you can begin to see them as a unique person, not just a poster. I feel like I've gotten to know @JOHN72 and @LotusEater as well as many other regular posters.

Because I've gotten to see wha @LotusEater smokes on a daily basis, I now own a Randice Rind. He is also the reason I own a Fez. I wouldn't have otherwise. I am smoking Condor today because our good friend @JOHN72 knew I loved it and sent me some. I hope he enjoys The Beast and 8 State Burley.

WAYS is a great place to learn about pipe smoking by watching what people are actually smoking. It is an even better place to learn about some great pipe smokers.


Can't Leave
Sep 29, 2016
Seattle, WA
It takes special kind of person to get their knickers in a bunch because people enjoy posting what pipes and tobaccos they are currently smoking on a PIPE AND TOBACCO FORUM!!!!

I mean, really?!?!

You know you can scroll right past it, right? Just do that and post your complaint about the existence of too many Limited Edition blends. Life is simpler that way.


Jun 4, 2021
Tasmania, Australia
It easy, no thought required you just add to the collective. If you want you can thumb back through and like it all, a few pages or none. I get tobacco ideas from it too, either it's something I've forgotten, missed or a suggestion in the never ending search for good blends. If you don't like it or understand it........move on, it's your prerogative but alas keyboard warriors gotta keyboard such is the way of anonymity.


Nov 14, 2020
I never saw WAYS as a place to show off, on the contrary, I saw it as a place to show and share what we are fortunate to have scored, as well as connect with each other, and share our lives. :)

I truly love seeing the pipes and blends, but I truly love it when you let us in, and share pics of yourself and your world around you. ❤️

WAYS is not just about what we are smoking, but it’s also getting the chance to connect on a more personal level! 👍

Given the addictive nature, and not the nicotine kind, but the TAD and PAD, which happens to be a world wide epidemic, not just this forum, many of us are simply fortunate to have been able to find/purchase, and just want to share that joy.

WAYS certainly has nothing to do with being a snob and rubbing it in each others faces. ;)

TAD and PAD is not a joke unfortunately, that the tobacco or pipe you are staring at, especially at a website, if any of these are extremely popular, that’s the problem, it all flys out the door sometimes in a blink of an eye.

I have personally put a lot of time, effort and work into trying to find a pipe I would love many times, as well as, simply trying to find the tobacco I want, especially when it comes to the likes of Esoterica/Germain’s, as an example.

P.S. Keep the sharing and love going! 👍 ❤️
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Feb 2, 2022
I haven’t seen anyone talk badly about the WAYS thread but I might have missed it somewhere.
I love the WAYS thread. Great way to get to know other forum members and what they smoke and the pipes they use. Give you a little glimpse into their world and some of the pictures are really nice. The only downside to the thread is that it makes me want to buy more pipes and tobacco.
I used to be more active there, but I still peruse it occasionally… and still post a few times a month there.

That said, so what if someone thinks it’s ridiculous? I think it’s ridiculous and beautiful. Make fun of it. Join in on it. Do both! WTF does it matter? Just enjoy it!

I think a grown man getting panties in bunches on either side of this is even more hilarious. Guys wouldn’t last 5 minutes in a real smoking lounge, with the ball busting that goes on.


Can't Leave
Sep 29, 2016
Seattle, WA
I used to be more active there, but I still peruse it occasionally… and still post a few times a month there.

That said, so what if someone thinks it’s ridiculous? I think it’s ridiculous and beautiful. Make fun of it. Join in on it. Do both! WTF does it matter? Just enjoy it!

I think a grown man getting panties in bunches on either side of this is even more hilarious. Guys wouldn’t last 5 minutes in a real smoking lounge, with the ball busting that goes on.
I actually hadn't seen any negative posts about it, which is why I was so surprised.

I just found it a little ridiculous that someone would complain about such thread on a forum that is specifically meant for such threads.

I'm all for some good-natured ball-busting: I just had a chuckle a bit about this particular situation.

But hey, you do you (not you, specifically @cosmicfolklore; just in general).


Apr 16, 2021
Kansas City Missouri
1st of all I like pipes. I like to look at pipes. There are a great many pipes of every sort posted in the WAYS thread so I look at it often.
2nd I also like tobacco. The WAYS thread is a great way to keep up on what others are smoking and for newer smokers it is an excellent place to discover blends you might otherwise never have known about.

3rd As @telescopes mentioned WAYS is also a good place to learn about the other members e.g., some like to wear a fez and a smoking jacket, some ride motorcycles, others watch English Football, many like guns, knives and whiskey and quite a few are religious. At least one guy can play the bagpipes but can’t skateboard worth a shit and another smokes Toscanos and will kick your ass like fresh cauliflower.

I could go on and on. The travel photos and Jim’s feral cats are enough make it worth a look now and then.

If you don’t like WAYS don’t post there As far as I know you are under no obligation to.
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