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Mar 25, 2014
Just imagine living somewhere with no B&Ms, where on line tobacco ordering is strickly prohibited due to import laws, and where there is only one known brand of pipes that are way over priced.
This has been my situation for over a year and unless you've experienced it, you can't really understand how important the help is I get from international travelers. Every time someone mentions traveling from Mexico to the U.S. or Europe, I promptly ask if they would be so kind as to pick up some tins of tobacco for me. Often, but not always, the answer is yes. Then I have to go through the trouble of tracking down a B&M close to the neighborhood where the traveler will be staying and calling ahead to check the availability and prices of pipe tobacco brands.
In the last year I've had travelers bring me pipe tobacco from Gallway, Ireland; Phoenix, Arizona; Johnston, Rhode Island; Budapest, Hungary; New York, New York; and Los Angeles, California. In only one case I got exactly what I had ordered, but I was alway thrilled to get real pipe tobacco to try, no matter what brand!
Proposed Sticky
As a way of serving those of the Pipe Magazine community who have little or no access to decent pipe tobacco, I would like to see a thread that allowed members to post when and where they were traveling so these less fortunate souls could get the opportunity to send a PM and try to arrange an in person or local delivery of some of the marvelous tobaccos of which so many other members have such easy access.
It is hard to imagine what it is like for an avid pipe smoker to have to go to such great lengths just to get a decent tin of tobacco!
For my post number 1001, I send out this plea, as I know there are many other members living in a similar situation.



Can't Leave
Mar 30, 2014
I live in a country that prohibits tobacco in the post and all internet sales of tobacco, should you get caught the result is a huge fine. I have to go to a B&M's which vastly limits selection.
You American guys have no idea how lucky you are, a 1001 blends available and at cheap prices.



Can't Leave
Sep 30, 2014
I agree that Americans have it lucky with blends and prices, the prices here are high, we pay on average of $50 a tin here and are limited in blends. If caught ordering on the Internet we must pay $500 per KG or part thereof (about 36 ounces)



Mar 25, 2014
I live in a country that prohibits tobacco in the post and all internet sales of tobacco
This is the message I want to get out. I'm sympathize with your situation , I live it everyday!
Thanks for really puts things in perspective.
Recently a friend from Canada traveled to Ecuador, so I told him to take some tins of pipe tobacco to another friend of mine who lives in Quito. In a subsequent pone conversation he said he was too busy to pick up the pipe tobacco for my friend.
If you're not pipe smoker you couldn't possibly understand.
Please carry pipe tobacco when traveling to countries that lack such a precios resource!



Jan 31, 2011
You American guys have no idea how lucky you are, a 1001 blends available and at cheap prices.
Actually, luck has absolutely nothing to do with it. It is solely due to the restrictions placed upon government power by our Constitution. Sadly, those restrictions continue to be steadily eroded. When we finally find ourselves in the same boat as some of you in other countries, it won't be due to bad luck. Tyranny is as predictable and inevitable as weeds in a garden...without constant vigilance the weeds always take over...and vigilance in defense of liberty is just not the order of the day here, human nature being such as it is. Most people have their pet issues that they care about (such as tobacco in this case) but are generally apathetic regarding the personal/civil liberties of others.



Mar 25, 2014
At the Australian prices it might be cheaper to take a weekend vacation out of the country, fill your suitcases with tobacco, and pay the customs duties. Don't know about Mexico but might be true there, too. N. San Diego has a good shop called Liberty Tobacco.
Mexico only permits 50 grams of personal use tobacco per adult traveler when crossing in from the US by land. By air or sea the limit is 200 grams per adult traveler. For cigarettes and cigars a duty can be paid, but in the case of pipe tobacco it is simply confiscated.
As a resident of Mexico City, traveling abroad for 200 grams of pipe tobacco would make it prohibitively expensive, so this is why I depend on international travelers to bring in tobacco for me 200 grams at a time. However these travalers know nothing about pipe tobacco and often come back with two tins instead of four, because the tobacconist was out of stock.
Anyone traveling to Mexico or any other country in Latin America should post notice of the planned trip in order to arrange a personal or local delivery of decent pipe tobacco to a hapless pipe smoker.
Same goes for Australia and probably most Asian countries. Please don't leave us out of the loop!

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