Jars Aren’t Just For Tobacco

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Feb 21, 2013
I don't mean to be irreverent, maybe just silly, but the North Carolina ABC stores (don't ask) carry licensed and taxed corn liquor in jars, which is heretical. My wife grew up in rural Missouri where the joke was that revival preachers often had a groove in the bridge of their noses from the corn liquor jars.


Apr 30, 2014
When I was growing up in north Georgia in the '50's, my father always kept a Mason jar full of "medicine" underneath the kitchen sink. He must have been sick quite often back then because, I can remember him hitting that jar almost every single day.

As a side note, my older brother ran 'shine out of those same hills with Junior Samples a few years before his "Hee-Haw" days and, (according to my brother) well...let's just say that Junior wasn't acting on TV and leave it at that.
A buddy of mine was making corn liquor for his Civil War re-enactor friends. I was just hanging out, just watching. chung chung, bribble bribble, chung chung, bribble bribble, with white liquor drizzling out into jars. I really don't drink much of anything except maybe a glass of wine here or there, and especially not that stuff. It seems to make people do stupid things, unlike anything anyone who has drank regular liquor would do. So, I was the only one ok to drive, and they ran out of jars. So he hands me a twenty and asks me to run to Dollar General to buy him some more jars.

It was while I was standing in line with a couple of cases of Mason jars in my arms that I realized that there was an odor of pure moonshine emanating from me. I started to get a creeping paranoia. I am just standing there, trying to look inconspicuous. It's always in those moments in my life that someone from church walks up and wants to ask me about my kids... puffy

I did get to bring home a couple of jars. It didn't smell exactly like any whisky I've ever smelled, but it would cut the lake scum off the bottom of my aluminum canoe unlike any other cleaner I've ever seen... leaving it shiny, like a new dime.
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