MLB What Do You Think?

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Sep 20, 2019
I was not sure if I was looking forward to the season starting, not sure if I cared anymore. Now that opening day is come I think I have hope for a new season. What are your thoughts? Hope your teams are starting well.


Feb 21, 2013
I don't find time to watch a lot of baseball, but when I do, I don't find it boring. It is subtle, compared to NFL or NBA, but there is a lot of strategy and nuance. If my White Sox, or their more suburban counterparts across town, the Cubs, get hot, I'll watch more. I saw my first MLB game in the old Sox ballpark and they've been my team ever since. Luckily, I lived long enough to see them win a series. Both Chicago teams look pretty good this year.


Sep 20, 2019
Sadly The team I folllow (the Angels) are getting their asses kicked so far.
Albert back in Saint Louis as DH will be interesting, he got a big ovation so all is forgiven. Sorry he did not do better for you guys?
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Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
Baseball is the only sport I watch (used loosely because of blackout rules) and listen to on radio. It’s been my primary sport pretty much since birth. I wasn’t thrilled with the strikes but I’m glad they didn’t take it too far.

I’m not a fan of the NL DH, but I look forward to the day they implement a pitch clock and shift ban. The lack of those have really let the game get away from the fan.

Go Mets!


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
It's not my father's game, not even my game anymore. I keep an eye on the Cubs now and then. that;s about the extant of my interest. Soon electronic umps and then the owners will, in the interest of saving money, dump the pitchers all together, get rid of the electronic ump and have the batters hitting from a tee.

I grew up in a time when pitchers threw a full nine innings and had to go to the plate. Now, it's all specialized and . . . boring for the most part. When they let the Dodgers leave Brooklyn well, that's when the country started its downward slide.


Jun 16, 2021
Spencer, OH
I used to love it. I grew up in a town with a college and a minor league team, about a two hour drive from Houston... I played all the way through high-school and followed the Astros most of my life.

Truthfully, while I enjoy catching a minor league game over in Akron every now and again, I could really care less. Other than José Altuve, I don't think I could name a single player in the MLB right now. I'm very indifferent about it.


Sep 8, 2020
Northeast USA
Not sure why they’re still using the moniker of America’s Favorite Pastime. Without revenue sharing, salary cap, etc., it’s a dying sport. When the yearly salary of one ball player of the New York Yankees is more than the entire Pittsburgh Pirates’ roster because of cheap ownership, then it’s hard to compete. Nonetheless, I still watch games on TV, and take the family to a few of them every year ⚾


May 23, 2018
Last time I went to a game was about 10 years ago...Brewers. Left after 7 innings, that was enough...boring.

I'd rather watch basketball or soccer.


Sep 20, 2019
So this is obviously a polarizing subject. Anyone read the linked article? Thoughts on what the author has to say about the chances of longevity of the game?

Servant King

Nov 27, 2020
Frazier Park, CA
As a lifelong Dodger fan who just recently found out about the Indians' name change to the Guardians, I only have this to say:

Soon, you'll be able to catch a game between The Dodgers and The Guardians at Dodger Stadium (after taking out a second mortgage to cover the parking fee) with robot umpires, the DH, players covered in advertisements, Dodger dogs for $25 apiece (not factoring in the cost of coronary bypass surgery, of course), and the very strong possibility of being jumped when you leave the stadium, assuming your catalytic converter hasn't been stolen and your fuel siphoned off.

Is the pastime moving in the right direction? I say yes, and thank God I won't be around to witness it.