New York Proposes a Ban on Salt

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Staff member
Apr 8, 2009
Now they want to ban salt!
This is getting to be like an episode of The Twilight Zone. Although this kind of caught me off guard, sadly I am not very surprised. It is going to keep getting worse and worse.
Is it really going to take an actual revolutionary war again to get these dumbasses under control?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 12, 2010
Bob,I first heard about this last week. At first I thought it was a story from The Onion, a joke. But then as more and more news outlets were covering it I realized it was a true story. I don't know if it is going to take a revolution or not to stop this insanity. This is reminding me of the saying "I woke up this morning and didn't recognize my country" Sadly, you are right. It will keep getting worse. It is not going to stop until people finally get fed up and stop it. I hate to wish the summer away, but I am really looking forward to Nov.



Might Stick Around
Dec 29, 2009
Upstate NY
I am ashamed to say that I live in NY. I am so sick and tired of Liberals/Socialists telling me how to live my life and creating laws that are beyond stupid. NY has a lot more problems than salt in restaurants. Stop taxing your citizens to death!!! There's a start.



Can't Leave
Dec 29, 2009
What ridiculous nonsense. Do they not realize that salt is in many product besides what is prepared in a restaurant. Why the F#$k should it be the government business anyway. It all sounds like it should be a personal choice, not forced upon you by a government that is out of control. Bob, unfortunately I think it may take an armed uprising to quell the ignorance of this current government. Just my opinion, happy smoking everyone.



Jan 15, 2010
Wait until the gov't takes over health care. Then you'll really see them what you can and cannot do with your own body. In the Army, I can get an Article 15 for getting too sunburned. I just damaged gov't property.



Jan 15, 2010
Wait until the gov't takes over health care. Then you'll really see them tell you what you can and cannot do with your own body. In the Army, I can get an Article 15 for getting too sunburned. I just damaged gov't property.



Smoking a Pipe Right Now
Staff member
Nov 16, 2008
St. Petersburg, FL
I'm starting to get scared at what I am going to wake up to tomorrow. Seriously.
Yesterday for breakfast I had a hard-boiled egg and I put salt & pepper on it. Get the grinders for both for nice coarse pieces.
I guess New York's next step is to start banning the recipe books that have salt in the recipes. Book burning time! That should get them excited.



Jan 17, 2010
woodlands tx
The rednecks are getting restless , the south will rise again . If someone will sponser the BBQ and supply the beer . Look for Rick Perry in 2012 .



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2009
This is getting to be like an episode of The Twilight Zone. Although this kind of caught me off guard, sadly I am not very surprised. It is going to keep getting worse and worse.
Well Bob, it is getting worse already. Now there is a proposal in NY to ban the "selling, storing, distributing, holding for service, or using in preparation" of high-fructose corn syrup.

Article Link on Reason Magazine



Mar 27, 2010
I’m starting to think that it’s going to have to get a little worse before it can get better. First they over tax something like our tobacco products and outlaw smoking just about anywhere people gather or socialize in groups. They tell bar owners that they must now alienate a large part of their loyal customers. The nonsmoking part of our population replies, so what we don’t smoke anyway. Now they start going after staples like salt, which will impact a larger part of the population. The far left liberal idiots will push the general population too far and then just maybe we can turn this thing around. I've always considered myself an n independent when it came to politics, but this BS is pushing me to the right hard and fast and there has to be a bunch of people just like me out there.
We need to send a loud and clear message in any and all future elections, and I’m talking about all the way down to the school board level. The people currently in power have underestimated us and our ability to band together when we are pushed into a corner.
It's amazing to me that the current administration appears to have totally forgotten their American history. Push us too far and we will knock you on your ass.



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2009
They tell bar owners that they must now alienate a large part of their loyal customers. The nonsmoking part of our population replies, so what we don’t smoke anyway.
Louisville KY instituted a city-wide smoking ban a few years ago. Of course the argument was that it wouldn't hurt businesses. Of course bar and restaurant owners complained, but who cares what an important segment of a city's economy and customers have to say when there's an agenda to push through? Say it's for the children and everyone gets a polished turd dropped in their lap.
Here's just one story (a very short read):
Lyndon Lanes Closing



Mar 27, 2010
Lawrence to your point, we have a similar smoking ban here in Northeast Ohio (Cleveland), which has been in place for about three years… Well casino gambling was recently approved and now there is talk of some possible changes to the ban being on the next ballot. It appears now that Big Money is involved we may get the chance to vote on some changes to allow smoking in the casinos once they are built and open for business. Who knows this could and should start some kind chain reactions.

Business owners should be able to decide what type of establishment they want to run (smoking or nonsmoking) or (sale or no salt) and then post it on the front door so that potential customers can choose to enter go somewhere else, but then again such a ruling would require a little commonsense and we all know how that often turns out.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 28, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
I'm a big supporter of the fair tax so all you Socialized hating people here that are uninformed about it look it up and find a governor, congressmen, or senator that supports it and vote for them this year. Check out Neal Boortz books on it they are fast easy reads with a ton of info or just youtube the video. Awesome stuff that will fix all this over spending and taxing crap and will keep YOUR money in YOUR pocket! I didn't really expect anything less from NY or things that happen in Cali for that matter lol.

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