Oh How Things Change

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Can't Leave
Sep 29, 2016
Seattle, WA
While at the Tampa Pipesmokers gathering at Edward's on Saturday, I decided that I needed to purchase something to patronize the store that so cordially hosted us.

I decided to pick up a couple of ounces of Luxury Twist Flake, but not without some trepidation.

See, I am very familiar with this blend, and not in a good way. I first came upon this unique flake a few years ago. Again, at Edward's.
I was intrigued by the swirling, vortex-like strands of leaf and the interesting light aroma of honey and caramel. I had just gotten into Straight Virginias and Va/Pers and had several that I really liked, so I was excited to find another blend that I could possibly by in bulk to stock up the cellar. I was familiar with Bullseye Flake and really enjoyed it, so I was optimistic about the Luxury Twist.

But the first time I lit up the Luxury Twist, I was not impressed. It was acrid, ashy and just all around foul to my palate.

I used different pipes. I changed my cadence. I used different packing techniques. Nothing helped. I smoked through about an ounce of the flakes until I could take it no more and pitched the remaining flakes into the trash. Oh well. No harm, no foul. There are plenty of blends on the market and I had already had several that I really liked.

Then last year, I purchased some Luxury Navy Flake to put aside and age. The reviews were more than positive, and I wanted a good, straightforward Va/Per to cellar deep. The reviews said that while the blend was good (if not a touch one-dimensional) when fresh, it turned into something truly exquisite with some age. I have thoroughly enjoyed it so far.

So of course while I was searching for reviews for LNF, it was impossible to ignore the multitude of positive reviews of LTF.

So when I came upon the blend again this Saturday, the swirling flakes started calling to me like a swirling hypnosis animation from a Saturday Morning cartoon. @Zapasta kindly weighed out 2oz for me and bagged it up for me.

I took it home and laid it on my smoking cabinet like a cursed artifact from an ancient temple. A little afraid of it, but still drawn to it like a moth to a flame.

I avoided it all day Sunday, still afraid that at best, it would be less-than-stellar. At worst, the ashy, bitter stuff that I remembered from years ago.

I decided to light it up this morning as my first smoke. And, all I can say is, "Wow! How things have changed."

I'm glad I revisited this blend. It is quite enjoyable and I could see myself smoking this on regular basis. Wonder what age does to this?


Can't Leave
Sep 29, 2016
Seattle, WA
You know when I see the ashy reviews of a blend. I always think there is someone who hasn't smoked long :).
Yeah. I can only assume that my relative inexperience at that time contributed to the "ashy" properties of the blend. But I had enjoyed other blends that had similar components, so I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I could not get this one to behave for me.

But things change over time and I'm glad that I revisited the blend. It is quite tasty.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Yeah. I can only assume that my relative inexperience at that time contributed to the "ashy" properties of the blend. But I had enjoyed other blends that had similar components, so I couldn't figure out for the life of me why I could not get this one to behave for me.

But things change over time and I'm glad that I revisited the blend. It is quite tasty.
that and some times the flavors can be subtle enough they get lost behind the more up front flavors like ash and smoke.

Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
I never throw out a blend, no matter how much I dislike it. I save them and then once in a while I do a little experimental mixing. Surprisingly, sometimes two or three bad blends mixed together can create of very good blend. The results are based on a little experience and a lot of luck. puffy
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