Pay Attention to Your Pipe

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Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
After reading the excellent commentary by cosmicfolklore on smoking slow, I thought I would give my opinion on the subject of pipe smoking. It is only my opinion and everyone has their way of doing things, but this is what works for me.
I try not to over complicate things and it's the same way with the way I smoke my pipe. I pay attention to what the pipe tells me. I prepare my tobacco so it is dry enough and broken enough to be either scooped or gravity filled and then a light pressure on the top. If I do this the pipe will let me know that it is filled properly and will stay lit. When I am smoking I pay attention to the pipe and if it starts to get warm (not hot), I slow down. The pipe is telling me to slow down you idiot and enjoy the flavor. If I listen to the pipe, the bowl does not get hot and I can get an enjoyable 45 minute plus smoke. I tend not to smoke any longer than that.
Some people just love to tamp constantly while they are smoking. It is a nervous habit or gives them something to do. My pipe tells me when it needs a little help pressing the tobacco into the embers. Pay attention to the pipe and it will inform you that you aren't getting the smoke or flavor you want.
When I'm done, I don't rush off to clean my pipe immediately. I am a dry smoker and my pipes usually don't collect much saliva or moisture. The pipe will tell me when it needs cleaned when it starts getting a taste I don't want or the draw isn't to my liking. The pipe determines when it needs cleaned.
I don't complicate things because I know that there isn't going to be someone coming to my front door to beat the shit out of me because I didn't do things correctly. My pipe smoking license will not be revoked. Set back, relax and pay attention to what your pipe is telling you. Enjoy the pipe smoking experience.
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Very good advise... I do this sometimes, especially if I am just setting down and smoking while listening to albums or watching tv. I was also once told that if my pipe gets too hot, to just set it down until it completely goes out, and then relight it. I'm not so sure that is great advice, but I have done this.

Most of the time, I am smoking while busy doing other things, so I don't pay attention yo my pipe at all.

But, I am pretty sure that no one does things the exact same way all of the time. Or, at least I couldn't.

But, you've got a great observation there. Nice post.


Dec 8, 2020
East Coast USA
I’ll often enjoy two bowls, alternating relights.

Setting one aside to cool and giving it more time to dry, not only tastes fresher but evades frequent relights.

Don’t fight to keep a stubborn pipe lit; just load up another and alternate as each goes out.

The idea is to relax and this guarantees a peaceful, easy hour or more.

You’re welcome.

K.E. Powell

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 20, 2022
West Virginia
I'm getting the impression your conversation with your pipes are typically one-sided affairs! :ROFLMAO:

Dumb jokes aside, your advice is sound. What makes pipe smoking unique is that there is an instrument used to smoke the tobacco. That can offer several advantages, especially to those who are familiar with their pipe and pay attention what is going on with their pipe while they are smoking. Being mindful of the pipe itself is just as important as being mindful of our cadence or the moisture levels of the tobacco.