Pipe Cleaners Subject to New Regulations?

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Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 11, 2019
Wausau, Wis
EDIT: Fixed Capitalization in Title (See Rule 9)

I just learned that people are hoarding pipe cleaners of all things, in response to the coming tobaccolypse.

Is this paranoid behavior, thinking that the deeming regulations will somehow make the cost of pipe cleaners skyrocket? I just don't see it, so please enlighten me.
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I just learned that people are hoarding pipe cleaners of all things, in response to the coming tobaccolypse.
Where did you hear this?
Is this paranoid behavior,
I order them several gross at a time, because I just get tired of running out and having to drive to get some, or place a tobacco order just to get more pipecleaners. Besides, I can usually get a better deal by ordering such large boxes of them every few years or so. .


Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 12, 2013
I knew this day would come and have been building up my pipe cleaner stockpile for years. Every time the old 20% off deals would come I'd buy a metric ton.

I keep my pipe cleaners right next to my stock of Charmin toilet paper.


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 11, 2019
Wausau, Wis
Where did you hear this?

I order them several gross at a time, because I just get tired of running out and having to drive to get some, or place a tobacco order just to get more pipecleaners. Besides, I can usually get a better deal by ordering such large boxes of them every few years or so. .
So now we can PCAD to the list of a acquisition disorders (TAD, PAD, PTAD, etc.)


Aug 29, 2017
I found a ton of them by calling B&M's. They sell to me as I purchase pipe cloths from them throughout the year. I have more pipe cleaners then I can shake a stick at. I will not tell you exactly which company I prefer. I also paid wayyyyy less then you ever will !


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I just learned that people are hoarding pipe cleaners of all things, in response to the coming tobaccolypse.

Is this paranoid behavior, thinking that the deeming regulations will somehow make the cost of pipe cleaners skyrocket? I just don't see it, so please enlighten me.
well with current regulations and possible regulations unless they're made out of something toxic there should be no issue. Seriously but people love imagining the sky is falling and all the chunks of it are aimed at them.


Jan 31, 2011
When information about the deeming was starting to surface, lighters, pipe cleaners, ashtrays, and pipes were being called tobacco products. I think all have been removed from the list.
Apparently pipes are still included.

FDA regulates the manufacture, import, packaging, labeling, advertising, promotion, sale, and distribution of pipe tobacco. This includes components and parts such as pipes, but excludes accessories such as lighters.



Dec 30, 2018
Also, I’m working on a new genetically altered daschwurm, a type of long skinny furred caterpillar that subsists off nicotine and tar that can be left in your pipe stands and trained to work on a seven day rotation. So far it’s going pretty good but I’m still having difficulty training them not to shit in the pipe stems. It’s easier said than done and I’ve got to tell you, daschwurm shit is worse than pipe gunk. This problem had posed substantial problems. However, the oxidation problem is solved and the stems all have fantastic draws! I’ll keep soldiering on. Coming soon to a pipe (bait?) shop near you!


Apr 29, 2017
Minnesota USA
Regulating pipes never made any sense to me... Coffee mugs are used to consume coffee, so why not regulate those as well.

It's all part of orchestrated plan to destroy the tobacco industry, death of a thousand cuts.

We need a National Pipes Association... NPA.