Reflecting On My First Year As A Pipe Smoker

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Skippy B. Coyote

Can't Leave
Jun 19, 2023
St. Paul, MN
My pipe journey has, in some ways, been a big circle. It started about 20 years ago when I was a teenager with a Dr Grabow Lark and a couple pouches of Middleton Cherry and Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey. I smoked that pipe off and on for a year or so, but I knew nothing about how to properly pack a bowl, do a charring light then a true light, how to tamp, or how to sip a pipe slowly; so every time I smoked I couldn't keep the tobacco lit and got terrible tongue bite, and I eventually just quit smoking my pipe and went back to cigarettes.

Fast forward 20 years later, to October of last year, and I took an interest in pipe smoking again. This time I had YouTube on my side and watched all the Muttonchop and Matches860 videos on how to get started and learned how to smoke a pipe the right way. I restarted my pipe journey with just a tin of Cult Blood Red Moon and a Missouri Meerschaum Cobbit Shire, and now a year later I've got a cellar packed with 48 Ball jars full of blends in nearly every style imaginable and a nice little walnut hardwood pipe rack with 8 pipes on it. Mostly Savinelli and Peterson briars but a couple cobs and an AKB Meerschaum as well.

Getting back to the tobacco part of the journey though, I went from my tin of Blood Red Moon to trying a ton of Sutliff, Peter Stokkebye, and Lane aromatics and found that I just didn't terribly enjoy smoking them. Most of them were very wet and hard to keep lit, burned hot, tasted too sweet, and I just didn't like the aroma or flavor of the casings on them. From there I branched out into non-aromatics, Virginias, VaPers, and English blends mainly, and ran into no less problems. Virginias mostly tasted dull and boring to me and bit the heck out of my tongue (at least until I later learned how to properly dry my tobacco before smoking), VaPers and anything else with Perique in it would give me a really sore throat and a cough that would last for 2 or 3 days every time I smoked one, and my throat didn't terribly care for Latakia either.

Having run into some manner of disappointment at every turn I was almost ready to give up on pipe smoking, when by chance I decided to try a tin of Cornell & Diehl's Autumn Evening. That was the, "Ah ha!" moment for me. I found an aromatic that was nicely dry and burned well like a non-aromatic, tasted great and not too sweet, and I could really taste the dark bready Red Virginia tobacco in it too and liked the way it mingled with the maple topping. From there I started researching dry and tobacco forward aromatics as well as other Cornell & Diehl blends and discovered a wide variety of aromatic blends that are nicely dry straight out of the tin, smoke great mechanically speaking, have flavor profiles where the toppings are natural tasting and not too sweet, and you can taste both the toppings and tobacco in equal measure. Some favorites of mine have been Mac Baren Vanilla Flake/Vanilla Cream Loose Cut, Mac Baren 7 Seas Red Blend, and Super Value Bourbon Whiskey (that last one totally surprised me but after trying every whiskey flavored blend I could find it truly was far and away the best).

I also picked up a real appreciation for Burley along the way as I got acquainted with the flavor profiles of different kinds of tobacco and tried all the old codger blends, and I'm currently looking for a more premium Burley blend without Perique in it. As much as I love the taste and tin note of Haunted Bookshop that Perique just tears up my throat something fierce, so I'll be giving Pegasus a try next. I was also pleased to discover that even though English blends normally really irritate my throat too, for some reason Peterson Early Morning Pipe doesn't bother it at all and I love the tangy campfirey flavor of it; so that's become a regular part of my rotation as well. I'm even beginning to appreciate the bright/grassy/citrusy/bready flavor profiles that straight Virginia blends offer from time to time too, and I really should try Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia or Capstan Blue at some point.

For today though I'm just puffing on my AKB block meerschaum pipe carved in the shape of a wolf's head with a nice relaxing bowl of Mac Baren 7 Seas Red Blend, which oddly enough tastes almost identical to how I remember Middleton Cherry tasting when I first started my pipe journey some 20 odd years ago; just with much higher quality tobacco and no bite. And so, the story ends more or less where it began.puffy

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Oct 21, 2022
Pismo Beach, California
Skippy I feel like I could have written this myself. My eariest attempts as a young man (in the 80s) did not go well, and so it was cigarettes for the following years. But there was always something about pipes, and the fabulous, fragrant tobaccos that I just knew would, one day, have a place in my life.

Now, just over a year since coming back to the hobby, I've learned so much, and found so much enjoyment. I am so grateful for the myriad videos (same YouTubers you mentioned) and the patient benevolence of this forum. It has made all the difference.

It makes my heart happy to read your well-written words; I feel your enthusiasm and joy in each sentence. Thank you for sharing this!

And BTW, Pegasus with a cup of coffee is a heavenly pairing. I sincerely hope you continue learning and sharing. It's people like you, and posts like yours, that make this forum great!


Nov 14, 2020
If you enjoy lemon and herbal like tea flavors, give Samuel Gawith Grousemoor a try, it’s like a light lemon citrus herbal VA.

Since you mentioned you enjoy Early Morning Pipe, give G.L. Pease Bankside a go. If you also dry it somewhat crisp, the latakia becomes extremely light, all though it’s not heavy to begin with.

Windjammer is nice...

For Burley, Uhle’s blends should be on your radar.

Last, give Wilke 515 and Rum Cake a try. Brandt has it in either the original recipes or double rum.

Mar 1, 2014
My throat is probably just as sensitive to all the various components but I'm more the type to bear the torture and just focus on getting the best tasting tobacco.
Hot wet Va-Pers are delicious but a pain in every other way.
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Skippy B. Coyote

Can't Leave
Jun 19, 2023
St. Paul, MN
Nothing beats experience. More you smoke, more you will appreciate other blends. First you will find your cadence then you will be able to adjust it. Moisture level can be dealt with without drying much, soon. Takes time, but reward is worth it.

Indeed! If there's anything I've learned from my time smoking pipes is that once you've learned the basics the rest just comes from time and experience. Everyone's taste preferences and mouth chemistry are different, but with time and experience you'll figure out what works for you and what doesn't. :)

Skippy I feel like I could have written this myself. My eariest attempts as a young man (in the 80s) did not go well, and so it was cigarettes for the following years. But there was always something about pipes, and the fabulous, fragrant tobaccos that I just knew would, one day, have a place in my life.

Now, just over a year since coming back to the hobby, I've learned so much, and found so much enjoyment. I am so grateful for the myriad videos (same YouTubers you mentioned) and the patient benevolence of this forum. It has made all the difference.

It makes my heart happy to read your well-written words; I feel your enthusiasm and joy in each sentence. Thank you for sharing this!

And BTW, Pegasus with a cup of coffee is a heavenly pairing. I sincerely hope you continue learning and sharing. It's people like you, and posts like yours, that make this forum great!

D'aww, thank you! Pipe smoking has definitely become my favorite hobby for relaxation and it brings me a lot of joy too. I'm really grateful to all the YouTube pipe smokers who showed me the ropes, and very glad I eventually found an assortment of blends I enjoy!

I'm really hoping Pegasus is going to be "the one" when it comes to the Burley blend I'm looking for, since I do like Prince Albert and Carter Hall but wish they had a little more strength and depth and no topping, and I like Haunted Bookshop a great deal but wish it didn't have Perique in it and was easier on the throat. Pegasus seems to tick all those boxes, so on paper it certainly seems like the Burley blend I'm looking for. I think I'll also give Mac Baren's HH Burley Flake, Golden Extra, and Symphony a try though; since a lot of Burley fans seem to like those and I've had zero luck trying to get my hands on some Solani Aged Burley Flake. I've heard Mac Baren's HH Burley Flake is the next best thing though!
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Hutch Piper

Mar 12, 2022
Charlotte, NC
Great write up on your journey and I can identify. Another solid tobacco forward aromatic is Mac Baren Vanilla Roll Cake. Beautiful presentation (small coins) and the scent is to die for. And for Burley, I’d recommend HH Burley Flake. Outstanding tobacco. Really anything in the HH line is outstanding.

I’ve also ventured into Lakelands. At first couldn’t stand them. But now have an appreciation for them. Not an everyday smoke for me by any means but every now and then I get a hankering for them.

Skippy B. Coyote

Can't Leave
Jun 19, 2023
St. Paul, MN
My throat is probably just as sensitive to all the various components but I'm more the type to bear the torture and just focus on getting the best tasting tobacco.
Hot wet Va-Pers are delicious but a pain in every other way.

I applaud your masculinity, but I think for me smoking a pipe is all about relaxing; and it's kinda hard to relax when you're having a coughing fit and reaching for the throat lozenges. I think I'd rather just smoke less stout blends that better suit my constitution. :ROFLMAO:

Great write up on your journey and I can identify. Another solid tobacco forward aromatic is Mac Baren Vanilla Roll Cake. Beautiful presentation (small coins) and the scent is to die for. And for Burley, I’d recommend HH Burley Flake. Outstanding tobacco. Really anything in the HH line is outstanding.

I’ve also ventured into Lakelands. At first couldn’t stand them. But now have an appreciation for them. Not an everyday smoke for me by any means but every now and then I get a hankering for them.

I've had so many people recommend Vanilla Roll Cake that I'm definitely going to have to give it a try at some point! HH Burley Flake is definitely on my list for blends to pick up on my next tobacco order, as well as HH Pure Virginia.

The only Lakeland blend I've had at this point is Ennerdale Flake, but I like it quite a bit! The nicotine content is a little too high for me to want to smoke it every day (I always have to put the pipe down after about 20 minutes) but I love the almost ethereal bright citrusy, floral flavor. There's really nothing else like Ennerdale and I smoke it about once every 2 weeks or so I'd say.puffy

Hutch Piper

Mar 12, 2022
Charlotte, NC
I applaud your masculinity, but I think for me smoking a pipe is all about relaxing; and it's kinda hard to relax when you're having a coughing fit and reaching for the throat lozenges. I think I'd rather just smoke less stout blends that better suit my constitution. :ROFLMAO:

I've had so many people recommend Vanilla Roll Cake that I'm definitely going to have to give it a try at some point! HH Burley Flake is definitely on my list for blends to pick up on my next tobacco order, as well as HH Pure Virginia.

The only Lakeland blend I've had at this point is Ennerdale Flake, but I like it quite a bit! The nicotine content is a little too high for me to want to smoke it every day (I always have to put the pipe down after about 20 minutes) but I love the almost ethereal bright citrusy, floral flavor. There's really nothing else like Ennerdale and I smoke it about once every 2 weeks or so I'd say.puffy
Love Ennderdale and HH Pure Virginia as well!
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Mar 1, 2014
I applaud your masculinity, but I think for me smoking a pipe is all about relaxing; and it's kinda hard to relax when you're having a coughing fit and reaching for the throat lozenges. I think I'd rather just smoke less stout blends that better suit my constitution. :ROFLMAO:
Which is not to say that's the only thing I smoke.
One of my most favorite blends is a 50/50 mix of Sutliff Z92 Vanilla Custard and Gawith Hoggarth Dark Bird's Eye.
Z92 is already somewhat easy going and blending that with a shag cut leaf makes it burn almost perfectly.



Nov 14, 2020
My throat is probably just as sensitive to all the various components but I'm more the type to bear the torture and just focus on getting the best tasting tobacco.
Hot wet Va-Pers are delicious but a pain in every other way.

Ouch, wet VAs, I read that as moister, not dried out, the thought of that is scary. LOL 😆

I definitely can’t go there, I need to dry them all out pretty good, and even then, some of them can still be irritating.

Don’t abuse the ole mouth to much, the body can only take so much, be safe, and easy on your mouth. :)
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