Serious question.Has pipe smoking changed with time?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 14, 2010
ernest wrote>>..... a time that I would watch a middle age man stick the bowl of his pipe deep into a bag of tobacco.As it emerged out of the bag,it was ready for a match with tobacco sloppily hanging over the top edge.He puffed hungrily like it were a race till all that remained was ash.One upside-down tap of the pipe took care of the ash and the pipe roughly placed back in a pocket with out care.Is that how it always was with the older generation and there pipes?>>

that's the way i remember it--no three step fills--no polishing--barely any cleaning--times have definitely changed--
as another on this thread stated, i also still dip the pipe in the pouch and pack it by feel alone--
many of the men i grew up among grew their own weed, and most of them gave it minimum curing--stout stuff--
i was raised by and among that older breed for whom the pipe was merely an instrument to use, not an object of art--my habits with the pipe have changed a bit, but basically i tend to revert to the days of my youth if i'm not careful--



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
I could not help but feel as if I were missing out on some sort of experience,and I now know what it is.I think I had myself conditioned mentally and methodically,thinking that there were conditions that had to be met when reaching for my pipe.Things are going to change before the sun sets tonight.I am going out today to buy a cheap pipe(might I add I'm throwing the filter away)and I will keep it on me with some tobacco.I will practice the load and light method with one swift motion.I will wait as long as possible before cleaning it.I will only be using my finger to pack it,so hopefully I get quite a few burns to get a good callus build-up quickly.I think that will bring a little bit of history into the present and my enjoyment will be even that much greater.I will save "Being refined" for those quiet times in my reclining chair.



Can't Leave
Aug 28, 2010
South Devon, England
I definately think pipe smoking has changed over time. And rightfully so. The unchanged things however, appear to be the pleasure gained from doing so. Again, rightfully so.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2010
I first picked up a pipe in 1966. We had the "British Invasion" in music and the "Danish Invasion" in the pipe community. I was a college student and freeforms were everywhere, the bigger the better. Hugh Hefner,who was nearly always pictured with a pipe, and his various columns in "Playboy" were the ultimate word in sophistication and we read him avidly.
We loved all the little details of properly packing and lighting a pipe since they attracted attention from those around us (VERY important to an 18 year-old would-be sophisticate). It didn't hurt that half of those around us were young college girls. We looked down on the "lowly" cigarette smokers around us and sneered at anyone who couldn't give a 5 minute dissertation on the relative merits of Amphora vs. Sail. The cigar boom wouldn't hit for a couple of decades and they were mostly reserved for all-night poker games.
All in all, we were quite impressed with ourselves and our new-found toys. (I'm not sure that too many others were but that was their problem, not ours.)



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
kcvet67 said>> "Hugh Hefner,who was nearly always pictured with a pipe, and his various columns in "Playboy"

Thats it!! I started a thread a few days ago in regard to how one would decorate a smoking room.I think a couple of those pictures would be a great idea.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
mlaug, I promise that I only buy playboy for the articles.... Naked pictures of extremely hot girls do absolutely nothing for me. (My wife is reading this over my shoulder, give me a break!)

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