Shamrocks & Shenanigans 2024

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Jul 23, 2014
The Lower Forty of Hill Country
After attending a VERY liquid St. Patrick's day party (is there any other kind?) a man and his wife staggered home to bed. In the wee hours of the morning the wife awoke, hearing strange and alarming noises coming from the area of the back patio. Scared, she awakened her husband and, in a whisper, urged him to get up and investigate.

Groggily, he made his way through the house to the patio door and, peeking out through its window, saw a stranger sitting on the chaise lounge. Lacking a firearm, he grabbed an empty Jameson bottle and a flashlight, slipped out the front door, and around the house to the patio. The stranger was still there.

Shining the flashlight on him, and raising the bottle in a threatening manner, the man asked in a shaky voice, "Who the heck are you, and what are you doing on my porch?!"

The stranger replied in a calm, broad, brogue, "Why, lad, you know me! I've been out here nearly two years."

"I've never even seen you before!" said the man, almost shouting. "Who ARE you?"

"M' gooood lad," he said, flashing an impish grin, "I'm Paddy O'Furniture." :)
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Apr 9, 2021
Starting my morning off with some good coffee ☕ and some Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream. I do have some Irish ancestry, but most of my family's history has been lost through deaths and displacement. My grandfather, dad's side, died when my father was 2 yrs old and all his siblings separated... things of that nature. So, I thought that I could strip down and kneel in my prayer closet and give myself 50 lashings, or have fun. Once I get good'n caffeinated and drunk, I'm going outside side to play Amazing Grace over and over (because I'm rusty and it's the only song in the old memory bank) until I get a mob with pitchforks and torches to come after me, or they call the cops for disturbing the peace. Doing my part on Saint Patrick's Day 🙂 Happy St. Patrick's Day!☘️🇮🇪 KIMG3103.JPGKIMG3107.JPG


Feb 13, 2013
St Patrick’s Day has become more of a somber day for me. Now for me it’s a day to remember those lost on Bloody Sunday and throughout The Troubles, to remember what the Irish endured during the famine, and the struggles the Irish had to gain independence.

It’s very inspiring to know what the Irish people have been through and still have so much pride in their culture.
Well said. I don't really take part in the festivities. My family has been traces back to the very boat my ancestors came to Canada on fleeing the famine. Maybe I'm getting senile but the thought of a bunch of people pretending to be Irish for a day by getting drunk and rowdy doesn't sit well with me in our politically correct world. Anyways well said. Made me tear up fuck.


Mar 4, 2024
United Kingdom
All I can think to post is the Lorica, the Breastplate of St Patrick. An 11th century prayer in old Irish, one of a class or type of litany-like protective prayers against various evils to be found in the Liber Hymnorum kept at Trinity College, which would make it younger than the saint by a fair few centuries. Lorica is used to translate thorax, breast-plate in the Authorised Version, in Ephesians 6:14.


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Aug 2, 2016
Starting my morning off with some good coffee ☕ and some Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream. I do have some Irish ancestry, but most of my family's history has been lost through deaths and displacement. My grandfather, dad's side, died when my father was 2 yrs old and all his siblings separated... things of that nature. So, I thought that I could strip down and kneel in my prayer closet and give myself 50 lashings, or have fun. Once I get good'n caffeinated and drunk, I'm going outside side to play Amazing Grace over and over (because I'm rusty and it's the only song in the old memory bank) until I get a mob with pitchforks and torches to come after me, or they call the cops for disturbing the peace. Doing my part on Saint Patrick's Day 🙂 Happy St. Patrick's Day!☘️🇮🇪 View attachment 296449View attachment 296450
Got a bit of the Irish in our tree as my dad's line spent some 150 years in county Antrim prior to heading to North America. Can also relate to the bagpipe part as well as we'd been living in Scotland before Antrim.


Feb 2, 2022
I made some scones with clotted cream and jam for our afternoon tea. For dinner we are having homemade pasta. What can I say my dad was Italian and my mom is mostly Irish. According to my ancestry dna my Irish side is from Belfast.