Shank and Tenon Question

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Dec 25, 2021
Title edited and thread moved. -jpm

Hello everyone! New to the forum. I had bought a savinelli Estella 114 ks from a tobacco store, it was used. When I got home I noticed this pipe gurgles a lot. After investigating, I noticed that the tenon is 5/16 shorter then shank and mortise, creating a chamber of condensation. I love the pipe and could continue just putting pipe cleaners down it as I smoke but, just wondering if there is a way to fix it or put some kind of adapter down the shank. Thanks.
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Oct 28, 2021
Howdy and Welcome!
When compared to the many other “seasoned” pipe smokers here, I may be considered a novice. But my input is:
I think everyone has experienced this when starting up. They’re many variables that affect moisture or condensation collecting in your pipe while smoking. It’s a natural byproduct of burning tobacco that has moisture in it.
This is probably one of the most frustrating things I encountered when I first started smoking years ago. I didn’t have anybody to mentor me. But, it is a phenomena that can be controlled. I’m not sure if it’s all tobacco or a specific type of tobacco you’re smoking that causes the moisture problem? Typically tobaccos that are more moist out of the tin like flakes and some aromatics that have agents applied to keep them moist are more problematic.
Try allowing the tobacco to dry out more prior to packing and smoking. That should greatly reduce the times you have to use a pipe cleaner to remove moisture and improve your smoking experiences.
I have several pipes that have a small gap between the end of the tenon and the squared off shoulder at the end of the mortise. When I dry my tobacco properly, I don’t have problems with moisture. I hope this helps. I welcome other members experience and knowledge in this area.
Glad to have you!


Dec 25, 2021
Howdy and Welcome!
When compared to the many other “seasoned” pipe smokers here, I may be considered a novice. But my input is:
I think everyone has experienced this when starting up. They’re many variables that affect moisture or condensation collecting in your pipe while smoking. It’s a natural byproduct of burning tobacco that has moisture in it.
This is probably one of the most frustrating things I encountered when I first started smoking years ago. I didn’t have anybody to mentor me. But, it is a phenomena that can be controlled. I’m not sure if it’s all tobacco or a specific type of tobacco you’re smoking that causes the moisture problem? Typically tobaccos that are more moist out of the tin like flakes and some aromatics that have agents applied to keep them moist are more problematic.
Try allowing the tobacco to dry out more prior to packing and smoking. That should greatly reduce the times you have to use a pipe cleaner to remove moisture and improve your smoking experiences.
I have several pipes that have a small gap between the end of the tenon and the squared off shoulder at the end of the mortise. When I dry my tobacco properly, I don’t have problems with moisture. I hope this helps. I welcome other members experience and knowledge in this area.
Glad to have you!
Thanks for the reply. I’m smoking macbaron plumcake. When I first started smoking I was definitely a train lol but I have learned to sit back and relax. I don’t have gurgling out of any of my other pipes. The bowl does sit just a hair short of the air hole but I don’t believe that’s the problem. I do a 5/16 space in between and collect lots of moisture but I’ll try a little more drying time.
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Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
I'd venture that gaps in the shank are the norm, rather than the exception in most pipes. Over the years there have been "chimneys"(tenon extensions) and other devices to reduce moisture in shanks and gurgles to little avail. That's why you seldom, if ever, see them in new pipes.

Some pipes gurgle, and others don't. Not much point stressing over something as inconsequential as a bit of gurgling. Don't let it spoil the enjoyment of a smoke.

Dry, dry, dry your tobacco. Pack lighter, and don't huff&puff ( although you may already doing all of that) - as others have advised.

I find that if I haven't dried my tobacco sufficiently (I don't often plan on smoking a particular blend until just before a smoke), meerschaum chips or Nording Keystones at the bottom of the bowl gives a much drier smoke.

If all fails, use pipe cleaners. They're cheap, and easy to use.


Oct 28, 2021
Thanks for the reply. I’m smoking macbaron plumcake. When I first started smoking I was definitely a train lol but I have learned to sit back and relax. I don’t have gurgling out of any of my other pipes. The bowl does sit just a hair short of the air hole but I don’t believe that’s the problem. I do a 5/16 space in between and collect lots of moisture but I’ll try a little more drying time.
I just bought a tin of MB Plumcake A few weeks ago. Never smoked it before. I decided to let it sit in the cellar for a few months.
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Dec 25, 2021
I'd venture that gaps in the shank are the norm, rather than the exception in most pipes. Over the years there have been "chimneys"(tenon extensions) and other devices to reduce moisture in shanks and gurgles to little avail. That's why you seldom, if ever, see them in new pipes.

Some pipes gurgle, and others don't. Not much point stressing over something as inconsequential as a bit of gurgling. Don't let it spoil the enjoyment of a smoke.

Dry, dry, dry your tobacco. Pack lighter, and don't huff&puff ( although you may already doing all of that) - as others have advised.

I find that if I haven't dried my tobacco sufficiently (I don't often plan on smoking a particular blend until just before a smoke), meerschaum chips or Nording Keystones at the bottom of the bowl gives a much drier smoke.

If all fails, use pipe cleaners. They're cheap, and easy to use.
Thank you for the advice, I love the pipe so I’ll keep smoking and poking with cleaners if need be.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Try allowing the tobacco to dry out more prior to packing and smoking. That should greatly reduce the times you have to use a pipe cleaner to remove moisture and improve your smoking experiences.
I'll put it this way. The humidity in the pouch or tin isn't smoking moisture it's for proper shipping. Keeps it from breaking up or going totally dry if the seal on the tin fails.
It's counter intuitive but dryer is better. How dry well it's like pretty ladies we all have our tastes. And the only way to know is to check it out. I suggest letting a tin dry out by popping it open and seeing at what point it smokes best for you.
Jun 25, 2021
Have your tobacco as moist or as dry as you like to suit your taste.
The important thing is to smoke the pipe with zero moisture build up.
No pipe cleaners down the stem during a smoke, no filters, no strange pieces of clay or meerschaum.
I've been proving that's possible with every pipe that I've smoked in the last 10 years.
Get working on it guys. I'm not going to tell you how. If you figure it out for yourselves, then you've got it for life.


Dec 25, 2021
Have your tobacco as moist or as dry as you like to suit your taste.
The important thing is to smoke the pipe with zero moisture build up.
No pipe cleaners down the stem during a smoke, no filters, no strange pieces of clay or meerschaum.
I've been proving that's possible with every pipe that I've smoked in the last 10 years.
Get working on it guys. I'm not going to tell you how. If you figure it out for yourselves, then you've got it for life.
Challenge accepted!


Dec 25, 2021
Well gentlemen, I took all of your advice and tried again with this pipe. I took the same plumcake tobacco I’ve been smoking in the pipe and let it sit for 10 minutes on a paper towel, packed the bowl and it seemed to fix my problem. Thank you all! It probably doesn’t help I salivate heavy either lol.
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