Sutliff Reserve Eastfarthing

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 6, 2023
Maryland, United States
This is my first review I've ever written down. I read everyone else's reviews as often as I can, but have never felt qualified to offer one of my own. I still don't, but you have to start somewhere, right? I'm not a very experienced smoker, my technique still leaves much to be desired, and my review will reflect that. The only other disclaimer is tied into that. I've often heard this blend compared favorably to Frog Morton. I started a pipe about a year after McClellan closed its doors, so I've never had Frog Morton. I'm judging this blend on its own merits.

The tin note is mostly vanilla with a little bit of natural tobacco mixed in. The tobacco itself is a pleasing mix of brown and black ribbons. It's packed in an oversized tin and presented nice and fluffy.

It comes packaged pretty moist. I'd recommend some drying time, although a more experienced smoker should be able to smoke this straight from the tin.

The vanilla topping carries into the smoke from the charring light through the first half of the bowl. It slowly dissipates from there. The flavoring doesn't completely sublimate the taste of tobacco though, it's more a situation of the tobacco complimenting the flavor rather than the other way around.

I'm no JinInks, I'm not going to sit here and tell you about the nutty burley or grassy fruity Virginia, I'm nowhere near that good at picking out flavors that deep. But overall, I can feel the various leaves. The Latakia is felt in the mouth, the cool full smoke in your mouth. I feel the burley in the body more than I taste the nutty. The Virginia shows itself in the treble notes, dancing lively around the base notes provided by the Latakia. Later in the bowl a refreshing bitter taste comes into play, but that certainly might come from underdeveloped technique. While I'm not there yet in picking out individual flavors of the individual components, they all work together to provide a sweet and pleasant taste.

The smoking properties are pretty good. It loads well in the pipe with its ubiquitous ribbon cut. It takes the charring light from my Zippo without the pipe insert like a champ. It didn't take much more than the usual number of relights. Although I'm still working on slowing down my smoking, Eastfarthing is pretty forgiving of less than ideal technique. It got almost warm but never hot. I'm not sure this is capable of biting, but slower smoking brings a much cooler flavorful smoke. There is indeed some nicotine in here, but almost anyone will be able to handle this without any issues. It smokes easily to the bottom of the bowl with very little moisture despite starting off so wet.

Mrs. Rookie (non smoker) describes the room note as "vanilla with hints of something floral", "not offensive, in fact very pleasant". In fact, the first time I smoked this last spring, she opened the windows on the front porch where I smoke.

This is a good blend. Easy to load, easy to smoke, good flavors. Who might enjoy this? Newer smokers who finished their pouch of codger and want to see about the world of aromatics would do well to pick up a tin. A dedicated English smoker who has tried crossover blends and wants to try something more aromatic might enjoy this. And anyone who likes an easygoing lightly flavored vanilla blend could enjoy this. This dedicated burley and Virginia smokers probably wouldn't find much to like in this though.

Overall, I like this. It could easily be a daily smoke. I find it a scootch too sweet to be an all day smoke, but it easily could be for someone with more of a sweet tooth. I wish it were available in bulk, but it's not expensive nor hard to find. 3 out of 4 stars, 2.5 for flavor and the extra point for being so very beginner friendly.16900261963314581025820452875332.jpg16900262325257887778111205308173.jpg16900262543998852438286839767432.jpg


Oct 15, 2022
Orcas, WA
First I was just going to say "You're doing great!" but that wouldn't do justice for you very nice review! So, here goes: I feel like you've really exposed the truth of the blend in a way I've never previously understood, at levels I'd not formerly appreciated, with insights I didn't heretofore consider. You provided a tangible primer to facilitate a clear answer for my personal buy/no buy decision matrix. I even feel a small nugget of indebtedness to you for introducing me to this tobacco blend (by masterfully guiding me to either save my $$s or find a new treasure to stockpile). Thank you, and I look forward to more reviews. There's a future for you in this business! 👍 puffy


Feb 21, 2013
Without having tried the blend myself, that sounds like a good assessment. I like a number of English blends with burley as a condiment, and also some with aromatic flavoring. You balance these positives ( for me ) with the sense that the vanilla predominates, and that might be a negative, preferring what I think of as tobacco-forward aromatics.

Your description feels accurate, and helpful. I've found Sutliff blends to have a lot of nuance and to be above their price points in quality. I think they start with premium leaf and have skill in doing blends that meet with broad approval.

Having a gracious plenty of blends, I doubt I'll go right out and order a tin, but I'd certainly give it a try as a sample at a pipe show or pipe shop. The spousal approval is certainly a highlight too.
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Might Stick Around
Dec 18, 2021
St Paul, MN
I've heard the same. I have a half pound sitting in my cart waiting for the next time to buy.
Supposedly it’s the same as the Aromatic English.
It is not the same as Aromatic English. I have lots of both, and Aro English used to be my go-to, all-day smoke, but then I found Eastfarthing. Eastfarthing is Aromatic English squared. It's (in my opinion) tastier all around, and is now my all-day smoke. Amongst others. Boswell's Countryside is being reached for nearly as often. And now Lord Morgan is right up there, and MM's 150 Anniversary... Oh boy, now I'm down a rabbit hole.


Jan 7, 2020
It is not the same as Aromatic English. I have lots of both, and Aro English used to be my go-to, all-day smoke, but then I found Eastfarthing. Eastfarthing is Aromatic English squared. It's (in my opinion) tastier all around, and is now my all-day smoke. Amongst others. Boswell's Countryside is being reached for nearly as often. And now Lord Morgan is right up there, and MM's 150 Anniversary... Oh boy, now I'm down a rabbit hole.
Thanks! Eastfarthing and Lord Morgan were both on my list of things to try but I scratched them both off but they’re going back on.
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