Tinnitus Relief

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Jan 28, 2018
Sarasota, FL
Reading through this, I'm saddened by the number of people who are resigned to accepting this condition. I'm not a Tinnitus expert but from what I understand, there are different causes and may even be different forms. I have no idea what caused mine. At least for my Tinnitus condition, the hearing aids worked absolutely wonders. Further, the hearing aids allow me to hear at a reasonably tolerable level. My hearing still sucks badly when there is background noise. As far as the Tinnitus goes, I went from a very loud ringing most of the waking hours to where I rarely notice it at all.

If you have Tinnitus, you also have a hearing loss. Schedule an appointment to have your hearing tested by a qualified Audiologist. If recommended, do yourself a huge favor and purchase hearing aids. I know they're expensive but the quality of life improvement makes them a bargain. I just got new ones a couple of months ago Phonak hearing aids that are water proof with rechargeable batteries. I play golf a lot and sweat while doing so, the water proof capabilities has been huge for me.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 9, 2023
I apologize for the wall of text, but I am passionate about ear protection.

I had very mild tinnitus as a teenager without realizing it. I thought everyone's ears rang. Hunting deer, but more likely rabbits, with my grandpa and his friends probably did it. But, learning electric guitar in high school certainly didn't help either. I also was known to listen to loud music when driving.

I first learned tinnitus was not normal when my left ear plug came loose at an indoor shooting range when visiting family in another state. Had ringing, but again thought this was normal. It wasn't until later that day I realized something was very wrong. My hearing in my left ear wasn't recovering like I was used to. I was completely deaf in that ear. Literally 100% deaf.

Once I got back to my home state the next day, things still had not improved. I went to urgent care. They told me there was nothing that could be done. Just wait it out and if it doesn't improve get hearing aids. I couldn't believe it. Way too young to be dealing with hearing aids.

Not satisfied, I called an ENT specialist. They said I was suffering from temporary deafness and it was a medical emergency. You have about 72 hours from the initial trauma to get treatment. I could've about killed the urgent care at this point. The ENT rushed an appointment for me the next day. 6 anti inflammatory shots directly into my ear drum over 6 weeks later (no fun, by the way), my hearing recovered to about 80%; for which I am eternally grateful. I struggle most with higher frequencies. The tinnitus, however, was far worse than it had ever been and that never improved.

I can ignore it most days. I grew up with it, essentially. So, my mind has learned to block it out. However, I like movies and video games. Some newer video games have a tinnitus option which is very thoughtful. Movies, however, don't. And man... There are some movies or TV shows that simulate tinnitus and it triggers me so bad. My ear will ring loud for hours after that.

Since this incident, I try to always preach the importance of ear protection. You might look silly wearing ear plugs/muffs to a music concert. But, who cares? Protect those ears. Also, if you're ever shooting a gun, combining ear plugs with ear muffs is highly recommended. The ENT specialist recommended the foam ear plugs, which I've always hated. But, they don't come loose, form to your ear canal, and provide the best in-ear protection.

Fun fact, there is a bone behind your ear called the mastoid bone I believe. It helps us hear. I was told by the ENT, if this bone vibrates violently enough, you can go deaf or lose hearing. This is why ear muffs are important.


May 29, 2023
“Tobacco Row “Richmond Virginia USA
Have it right now! Crickets but no pitch change.
Went to 2 different specialists and multiple tests and all said were you in the military or police work because you have classic hearing range loss associated with repetitive gun fire exposure over time.

So apparently 30 years as one of my agencies instructors spending 40 hours a month shooting or teaching gave me the gift of tinnitus.

Always used the best hearing protection available too.
I cant say the same about the military though.

I can say that excessive nicotine doses can cause it to flare up big time. Certain blends set it off every time as well. Fortunately they happen to be blends I don’t really like.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 25, 2021
west indies
My wife began with that condition a couple of years ago. She had a ear clean with peroxyde , the OTC you find on any drugstore , pouring a few drops inside. After that everything is ok. She continue to clean with a q-tip soaked with the peroxide about every week as a prevention. Wish you luck.
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Jun 4, 2021
Tasmania, Australia
Yep, industrial deafness here from a lifetime of heavy machinery and firearms. The only thing that provides relief is hearing aids and you have to spend the coin and get good ones. I struggle to wear mine out in the paddock with wind/water/rough going etc but when I'm home and put them in its instant relief.


Might Stick Around
Sep 26, 2018
South Louisiana, U.S.A.
I use an air purifier but if I think about it too much it will bother me. My left ear is really bad and my doctor said I will probably go deaf in that ear someday. I’ve just come to accept that this is my fault for never wearing earplugs when I went to concerts when I was young.
Attending loud concerts is not likely to be the reason for having it in one ear per my ENT. I thought that concerts or my being exposed to lots of artillery rounds while I was in the Army caused my left ear tinnitus. My ENT said those kind of exposures would usually cause one to develop it in both ears. I don't know what caused mine. Thankfully it's not severe and I've become used to it the majority of the time.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
For some while now I've been a bit worried as on occasion (usually in the morning) I can hear my heart beating!

Oftentimes it sounds like a whooshing sound, not unlike hearing an unborn baby's heartbeat via ultrasound.

It was only when I searched online did I find it is called pulsatile tinnitus.

I just turned 62 so I suppose it's an age thing as per @simong who is many years older than me ;).

Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
Reading through this, I'm saddened by the number of people who are resigned to accepting this condition. I'm not a Tinnitus expert but from what I understand, there are different causes and may even be different forms. I have no idea what caused mine. At least for my Tinnitus condition, the hearing aids worked absolutely wonders. Further, the hearing aids allow me to hear at a reasonably tolerable level. My hearing still sucks badly when there is background noise. As far as the Tinnitus goes, I went from a very loud ringing most of the waking hours to where I rarely notice it at all.

If you have Tinnitus, you also have a hearing loss. Schedule an appointment to have your hearing tested by a qualified Audiologist. If recommended, do yourself a huge favor and purchase hearing aids. I know they're expensive but the quality of life improvement makes them a bargain. I just got new ones a couple of months ago Phonak hearing aids that are water proof with rechargeable batteries. I play golf a lot and sweat while doing so, the water proof capabilities has been huge for me.
It's important not to give anyone false hope, either. There is no cure (that I know of) for the physical damage.

The psychological aspect is what we have some control over. When you fixate on the noise, your mind makes it worse and anxiety/depression often follow. Noticeable hearing loss would make tinnitus more apparent since you're working extra hard to hear what's going on around you. I suspect that in your case, once the hearing aid allowed you to hear better, you were able to relax and start tuning out the tinnitus.

In my case, my hearing is still pretty good. I can hear up to about 14kHz with no gaps (par for a 43-year-old, and hearing aids never came up as a topic during recent hearing tests), and I've worked hard to protect it along the way, which is why the tinnitus seems unfair. Once I was able to move through the stages of grief, I could start to relax again. There are a lot of people on r/tinnitus who are in purgatory because they think a miracle cure is right around the corner. I had to unsubscribe in a hurry because it was so depressing. Habituation is the way, IME.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 11, 2023
After years of being around jet engines and later shooting sporting clays, I'm surprised I have any hearing at all. I always wore protection, so I suppose it could be worse. Like others have said, there really is no cure, it's just learning to live with it. Those times I really notice is when I read threads like this and I'm in a quiet room. Bringing attention to it is the worse thing for me. Once I focus on it, it's like not looking at the pink elephant in the room.
Bringing attention to it is the worse thing for me.
I know, I can go weeks, months without noticing it, and i read this thread, and now it's driving me crazy, ha ha. There should be a rule, let's not make posts about tinnitus any more. Ha ha. Maybe it will go away when my wife gets home, and I accustom myself to not paying attention anymore, ha ha.
Aug 11, 2022
Cedar Rapids, IA
For some while now I've been a bit worried as on occasion (usually in the morning) I can hear my heart beating!

Oftentimes it sounds like a whooshing sound, not unlike hearing an unborn baby's heartbeat via ultrasound.

Sometimes I will notice that the heartbeat in my ear moves the fabric of my pillow enough to make a rustling sound. A curiosity when I wake up, but occasionally a distraction when trying to get to sleep.


Dec 13, 2022
Front row TOOL concerts
Woodshop - yeah I used ear pro, most of the time
A lifetime of music enjoyed loudly
Hundreds of thousands of miles driven on western US freeways with the window down
A guy fired a gun with the muzzle 10" from my left ear decades ago.
It all adds up.

Now loud sounds are painful - had to wear ear plugs to an IMAX showing of Godzilla Minus One weeks ago.
No longer listen to music - it hurts
I'd guess hearing in left ear is 20%

I need to gift or sell my amazing bluetooth speaker systems, haven't used them since things escalated out of the blue 8 months ago.

Aging is a b!tch I guess
Oct 3, 2021
Southeastern PA
I know, I can go weeks, months without noticing it, and i read this thread, and now it's driving me crazy, ha ha. There should be a rule, let's not make posts about tinnitus any more. Ha ha. Maybe it will go away when my wife gets home, and I accustom myself to not paying attention anymore, ha ha.
Unless you find a miracle cure that stamps it out instead of drowns it out. I've had mine for years and it never goes away, I just forget about it at times, but when there is no ambient sounds, I can easily hear it. It used to drive me insane, now I've gotten used to it.


Oct 13, 2015
I listen to the exact same thing for the exact same reason :ROFLMAO:

I also like the Radio Sherlock Holmes stories with Nigel Bruce and Basil Rathbone. Check out The Radio Ghost channel on YouTube.
Yes, the old radio shows are great fun! Always makes me laugh when old Nigel stops in the middle of a crime or something to tell everyone about the benefits of using a certain hair tonic or to advertise petri wines! Lol

Another good one was from the 50’s, starring Johnny Gielgud & Ralph Richardson as Holmes & Watson, with Orson Wells as Moriarty. Well worth a listen.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 12, 2021
Ha, seems like half the people on this forum has tinnitus.

Anyway I've had it for as long as I can remember. The best thing you can do is to accept it, and try to relieve it in some non-harmful ways. I keep a fan on constantly in my bedroom, that makes my head quiet at least.