Tom Spanu pipes quality

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Part of the Furniture Now
May 10, 2016
Anybody has a Tom Spanu pipe, particularly the ones in lemon and olive wood? How they smoke these unusual woods?

In addition after Tom passed away last year the shop has been taken by the son and brother, any change in quality since then?



Nov 19, 2014
I've got a fair amount of Spanu pipes. They are all well made, we'll engineered pipes.

I have one Spanu olivewood. Olivewood lends itself very well to Latakia, which I rarely smoke.

On the other hand, Spanu's lemonwood pipes are wonderful. Virginia blends really shine in this material. Being a McClelland VA fan, I can tell you from much experience that getting a Spanu lemonwood (or 2 or 3) is totally worth it.




Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2015
Springfield, Mo
I agree, Spanu pipes are well crafted. I happen to be smoking an olive wood Spanu as I write this, and this pipe absolutely sings with Latakia blends. Something about the design enhances the earthiness of rich English blends.
His pipes have everything I look for in a personal favorite: thick walls, large diameter chamber, deep bowl, nice lucite stem. Plus, as the olive wood is smoked and handled, it devolopes a lovely patina. It did take a bit of breaking in, as the olive wood imparted a distinct flavor in the beginning (it was a pleasent mix with Margate) but soon enough, it smoked clean.
I've only ever smoked his Olivestra line, but I wouldn't hesitate in obtaining another for my collection. Of course, these are my personal opinions, ymmv.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
I have one Spanu pipe, a Clairmont made of olive wood with briar trim on the bowl and shank. I bought it as an estate pipe, so I can't comment on the break in, but I do like the way it looks and smokes. Would like to hear from someone with one of his cork covered pipes. They're pretty interesting looking, but how do they hold up?

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