When Amtrak had smoking cars...

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2010
Late night in the late 1980s on a long distance passenger train I was smoking my pipe and the two guys were chain smoking camels one after another across the table over mini bottles of Jack Danials. 9 hours to go to Chicago thrugh the space of absalute darkness at 90 MPH, We came to the conclusion that we were really in a alternate universe and that our real selves were locked away somewhere waiting to be liberated. For that instance we were nowhere and everywere in the universe at the same time. The dining car was from the Sante Fe and with the old indian warpaint stripes we might have been in the arms of the Great Spirit....



Mar 9, 2010
Reminds me of crossing the seemingly endless expanses of the great plains at night on my back from Washington state. Just me my old Jeep Cherokee , A U Haul trailer and the black velvet night.



Might Stick Around
Oct 28, 2010
I had a similar feeling driving in the badlands of the dakotas,going cross country from Hartford to Seattle, it was so dark it was as if there was no road and I had a strange feeling the bottom was about to give out on every dip and my car would be flung into outerspace.



Might Stick Around
Oct 28, 2010
very true :lol: I think I was working on 14 hours in the car at that point. I was flipping between Jesus radio and a Native American flute cassette tape I had picked up at a drug store ,talk about a vision quest.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
Drove to New Mexico once -- got in the car after school and just went. Next thing I know I'm at the Colorado border and realize I -really- ought to turn around, because if you keep going, you'll never stop.
A similar thing happened when I was a kid. I took a climb over a small water-fall to find that the top was a vast expanse of swamp as far as the eye could see. I have no idea why, but I started marching a straight line through it, barefoot (which I wouldn't notice until the way back when I would step on a sunken log and cut my feet) -- some how I made it through the swamp without hurting myself -- and found what looked like a cut in the earth, about 12 feet across, maybe as much as 20, and sloped up about another 12 feet, no more than 15 on either side. The row was lush green and at the top of either of the mini-hills following it was the thickest row of tress I'd ever seen (this being in the Texas Panhandle, any trees were a sight really -- but these were side-by-side for miles) --- I would later find out that this "cut" was the Canadian River, dried out for the summer, and if it were two months sooner in the year I never would have made it out of that swamp alive. . . but it wasn't two months earlier, and it is to this day the most unnaturally beautiful thing I've seen in my life, the closest thing to a religious experience of my life . . and I still remember when I got far enough along that path so that I could no longer see where I came from, nor where I was going. . . I was a kid, and suddenly I believed quit whole-heartedly the path never ended, and if I kept going, I'd never get back. . not because I'd get lost, but because I'd never turn around.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 12, 2010
I remember when Amtrak and the train was a prefered way for smokers to travel. Amtrak gets about 22,000,000 passengers a year, Greyhound also carrys 22,000,000 people as well....There is about 44,000,000 smokers in america (www.chacha.com/question/how-many-smokers-are-in-america). So it is no coincecedece that when those smokers are not in a hurry and dont want to drive... they chose either the train or the bus. If you have 500.00 to 2200 you can be part of a private railroad car charter see http://www.aaprco.com/ for details and times

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