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Can't Leave
Apr 14, 2012
So the pipe club that I belong to has organized a Zoom video chat for this evening. It seems there are around 8 members that will be attending, and I am pretty excited!

In these times of isolation, it is important to try to maintain some socialization, and I am so glad that the club decided to organize this. I can’t wait to set up my laptop on my deck, pour a good beverage, fire up a bowl, and have a good time with like minded folks.

Have any of you done anything similar? This will be my first pipe related zoom chat, but I did try Zoom last weekend for my birthday, and enjoyed it! A bit weird having my family watch me open my gifts via Zoom, but overall I am thankful that technology exists to allow for such an alternative!



Oct 16, 2019
Video chatting is great. Ironically, the isolation has helped us reconnect with old friends. We schedule regular video chats with various groups now.

Also, don't use Zoom due to several security and privacy issues. Not only are there various lawsuits about this, but the FTC is now investigating Zoom.
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Sep 20, 2019
Bible study with four guys from Church last night, we used zoom conference call as some don’t have smart phones. Intermittent echo was the only problem. @kschatey what is a good platform?
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Feb 1, 2010
Bible study with four guys from Church last night, we used zoom conference call as some don’t have smart phones. Intermittent echo was the only problem. @kschatey what is a good platform?

Ditto. We've used it for small groups with up to 10 people and other than for my wife, it's worked out pretty well. She's the most evenly right/left brained person I've ever met. She's been the president of a division of a Fortune 500 company and successfully started two business, learned Autocad, can tell you every phone number off everyone she's ever known but can't work Zoom in her iPhone. ?
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Nov 24, 2015
The wife gets together with her friends online. They drink and carry on like a bunch of sorority girls. They have a ball.


Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
Derby City Pipe Club has a group chat on FB Messenger and it’s easy to start a group video call via that app. We’ve been doing the group video chat for the last few weeks in lieu of our usual Saturday get-togethers.
May 8, 2017
Sugar Grove, IL, USA
I've done a few of these with pipe-smoking buddies and currently host two such meetings every week. A couple via Google Hangouts Meet and the others via Zoom. Zoom's superior technical performance made those meetings more like being in-person. Overall, it has been a positive experience.


Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
So the pipe club that I belong to has organized a Zoom video chat for this evening. It seems there are around 8 members that will be attending, and I am pretty excited!

In these times of isolation, it is important to try to maintain some socialization, and I am so glad that the club decided to organize this. I can’t wait to set up my laptop on my deck, pour a good beverage, fire up a bowl, and have a good time with like minded folks.

Have any of you done anything similar? This will be my first pipe related zoom chat, but I did try Zoom last weekend for my birthday, and enjoyed it! A bit weird having my family watch me open my gifts via Zoom, but overall I am thankful that technology exists to allow for such an alternative!

Our work office has a happy hour each week. Requirements are you have a beverage of choice and there is not work chatter. It has been a great break from the monotony of work/sleep.


Feb 15, 2017
New Hampshire, USA
Video chatting is great. Ironically, the isolation has helped us reconnect with old friends. We schedule regular video chats with various groups now.

Also, don't use Zoom due to several security and privacy issues. Not only are there various lawsuits about this, but the FTC is now investigating Zoom.

Zoom is pushing out security updates today. I have had 2 so far since 0700. Also, if you do not share your zoom invite publicly, there is little risk. The idiots that posted their zoom invite online for anyone to see are the ones getting hammered. And schools also have suffered. But corrections are being made and they seem to have tightened up security.
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Feb 21, 2013
My wife tried to attend a virtual wake for an elderly friend who died of non-virus causes at 96. There was a lot going on and we didn't make it work. However, she did join in a Zoom book group, and that worked. I'm better at reassuring her than actually solving any technical problems, which she well knows. Likewise, sometimes I can help her find things by talking her through it.
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Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
I'd rather use Teamviewer. Zoom has had so many security issues that I won't touch it with a 12-foot rusty halberd. The fact that they route through Chinese servers should also give people pause.


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Bible study with four guys from Church last night, we used zoom conference call as some don’t have smart phones. Intermittent echo was the only problem. @kschatey what is a good platform?
As stated, I use Teamviewer, which is relatively secure, what with its own VPN and all. For a backup, I was looking at VSee (Products – HIPAA MESSENGER FOR HEALTH CARE - https://vsee.com/messenger/): it's a medical-oriented program, but it has what you need for videoconferencing (video, group video, text chat, and file sharing) and it's encrypted.
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Aug 2, 2016
I haven't touched Zoom since I retired from the local community mental health center 1 year ago. But had used it as part of my job doing crisis assessments and other types of evaluation remotely. That center is now offering therapy and medication services routinely via Zoom due to present circumstances.


Can't Leave
Apr 14, 2012
Had an absolute blast with the Zoom pipe chat this evening! Wound up having 8 guys join, ages ranging from 35-80. Had some good pipe and tobacco discussion, guys showed off pipes, and overall just enjoyed the camaraderie. They are going to make this a weekly thing and I’m already looking forward to the next one!
