Outrageously Good Amazon Service

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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
For several years, about the time of the Corono, my friend Jeff Bezos drop ships me four big plastic cans of Yuban coffee every month. Usually the price is about $25 for eight pounds, sometimes a dollar or two less, sometimes a few dollars more.

I’m as addicted to coffee as tobacco, maybe even more.

There is a reason Jeff Bezos is one of the richest men to ever live.

This month on the 27th my coffee did not arrive.

The Amazon app said if it didn’t arrive by Friday I could get a refund or replacement.

When I got home yesterday evening my coffee wasn’t on the front porch and today I called the post office, who said they think a mail truck must have come to grief with 107 packages due here on the 27th.

Their expectations for it’s arrival were not good.

I got on the Amazon app and a nice robot who works for Jeff sent me a rush replacement overnight for free, in less than a minute.

The robot said I could keep the extra coffee or donate it to charity if it arrives.

Somewhere far away, Sam Walton is smiling.

Walmart used to offer outrageously good customer service when Sam was still alive.

Amazon does that, today.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Bezo’s ability to buy in unheard of volumes allows him to beat any other supplier of gadgets. In that way he’s like Sears was a century ago.

Look at this fifty inch flat screen 4K smart tv my son bought from Amazon.


And if bought from Amazon if you don’t like it you get your money back right now, no whining.
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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I'm a regular user of Amazon simply because a percentage of my purchases are dedicated my favorite "non-profit". The downside is they can't figure out a way of shipping certain batteries, They also sometimes to "pull" the wrong product in the warehouse now and then.. They usually make it right and, quickly. So, nothing special, just routinely good customer service.
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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
At least he is smart enough to keep his mouth shut most the time…as opposed to that musk putz

That dastardly Musk can irritate a few folks but, the majority seem to be happy with his more balanced approach on X, formerly known as Twitter. All depends on whose ox is being gored at the moment I suppose. Musk has more "FU" moneys than anyone in the world so he needn't pay attention to the strident minority.

I got a kick out his observation that advertisers were attempting to "blackmail" him with ... wait for it ... money. rotf

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
That dastardly Musk can irritate a few folks but, the majority seem to be happy with his more balanced approach on X, formerly known as Twitter. All depends on whose ox is being gored at the moment I suppose. Musk has more "FU" moneys than anyone in the world so he needn't pay attention to the strident minority.

I got a kick out his observation that advertisers were attempting to "blackmail" him with ... wait for it ... money. rotf

Here’s the difference between Bezos and Musk.

Everybody loves to see Musk piss away his billions on running off his mouth.

There is a lot of charm in a man who can intentionally borrow 44 -B- Billion dollars to have a mouthpiece to scare away nearly all of the advertisers anybody has ever heard of.

We love to see Musk launch those heavenly necklaces of satellites in low earth orbit.

The man who can sport Amber Heard on his arm for several years and she still likes him has a way with women the rest of us just don’t have.

But where Musk’s money tree is, competes with General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and Volkswagen.

Musk is the Henry Ford of the electric car.

Jeff Bezos is going to sell ninety per cent of the replacement batteries for a Tesla, and the rest of the electric cars.

Like Richard Sears and Sam Walton before him Jeff Bezos only sells things other men like Musk make.


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
Jeff Bezos is going to sell ninety per cent of the replacement batteries for a Tesla, and the rest of the electric cars.
Nope. Not Tesla Batteries.

Elon runs multiple companies that are fundamentally changing how the world works at many levels. His AI PROGRAMS will change everything. 20 years from now car ownership will be passe. It just will. How we move around will fundamentally change. How we think of transportation will fundamentally be changed. Bezo isn’t in the same league.
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Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
Nope. Not Tesla Batteries.

Elon runs multiple companies that are fundamentally changing how the world works at many levels. His AI PROGRAMS will change everything. 20 years from now car ownership will be passe. It just will. How we move around will fundamentally change. How we think of transportation will fundamentally be changed. Bezo isn’t in the same league.
It always amuses me that even with all Amazon has done, most people still misunderstand exactly what Amazon is and has done.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
Nope. Not Tesla Batteries.

Elon runs multiple companies that are fundamentally changing how the world works at many levels. His AI PROGRAMS will change everything. 20 years from now car ownership will be passe. It just will. How we move around will fundamentally change. How we think of transportation will fundamentally be changed. Bezo isn’t in the same league.

As late as only forty years ago, I could walk into my choice of a Montgomery Ward, JC Penney, or Sears catalog store in Humansville Missouri and buy trinkets and clothing and have them delivered within a day or two, like Amazon does today.

Usually though, I drove 15 miles to Walmart and bought a name brand cheaper than I could anywhere else with a no fault return guarantee.

Walmart destroyed all the little Humansvilles. Humansville today looks like driving through a hillbilly Gaza Strip.

Fat women sit on porches yelling at ragged little kids playing on the streets littered with dollar plastic Fireball bottles.

I like to shop with my buddy Jeff and his robots because the only thing know of he’s pissed away 60 billion dollars for in Amazon stock to divorce his first wife is this sexy helicopter pilot.

And he’s already made the 60 billion back, and like Matt Dillion, ain’t about to marry this Miss Kitty. Like Miss Kitty, she’s over fifty and if she gets bitchy or mean the replacement surely won’t cost 60 billion.


And unlike Walmart Bezos helps make it possible to comformforably live in little shit holes like Humansville.
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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
One can easily equate Amazon with Standard Oil a century or so ago. Bezos is in control of an empire that, in turn, controls most of the necessary component parts either through outright ownership or financial leverage (sheer size). Owning many of those parts outright. Rockefeller owned the oil under the ground, a good part of the system that made the products from that oil, many of the railroads transporting the product(s) to the refineries and end products to the retailers. He also owned a good bit of the retailing end withan ability to shut diwn those refusing to vend his product and those attempting to compete with his organization.

Bezos is still in the process of acquiring or, gaining control over the many of the component parts necessary for Amazon's continued growth. But, he's gaining on it. Ergo, the extreme interest of the government amid murmurings "Trust." The Tarbull mentality strikes again!

Musk has his vision and means. Bezos has his vision and means. Measuring one against the other is a waste of time. Well, unless the comparison is simply "net worth." After that, they are two entirely different entities with very different visions, goals and methodology.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Montgomery Ward, Sears, Penny's, didn't deign to keep up in a fast changing and very competative retail world. Walmart is struggling, belatedly, to find a place at the retail alter. Shareholder disappoints all at the end of their lives. Less than stellar leadership choices made by the shareholders. Gotta do one's due diligence when voting.


Oct 10, 2013
I feel like a post of that nature is in the same vein as politics or religion. It won’t impact anyone’s perception (if an individual hasn’t realized it yet, I mean come on……we are talking about Amazon), then the discussion is probably about as fruitful as me talking to my wall.
Prices on Amazon will only stay low until the competition is eliminated. I do my best to shop elsewhere. But like the millions of people who shopped at Walmart, then complained about the death of small town USA, I am guilty.

Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
My son’s new $300 50 inch television is just over four feet diagonal.

For $400 Jeff will sell him a 70 inch television and for $500 one that’s over six feet diagonal.


In a year or two the four footer will be a hundred dollars and the six footer two hundred.

And Jeff don’t care which brand you like, Jeff sells em‘ all.

And yes Jeff will sell Tesla batteries.

Because Elon Musk will have to sell Teslas that take the standard Amazon replacement battery like the Chevies and Fords and Chryslers do.

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Feb 12, 2022
North Georgia mountains.
This is all by design. Amazon beats out everybody else price wise, mom and pop stores crumble, you know how the story goes. Agenda 2030, great reset, technocracy, digital world, yadayada.
Amazon is this convenient for a reason, and it's not to make you happy.

Bezos/Amazon is all part of a bigger plan, just playing another cuck.
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Briar Lee

Sep 4, 2021
Humansville Missouri
This is all by design. Amazon beats out everybody else price wise, mom and pop stores crumble, you know how the story goes. Agenda 2030, great reset, technocracy, digital world, yadayada.
Amazon is this convenient for a reason, and it's not to make you happy.

Bezos/Amazon is all part of a bigger plan, just playing another cuck.

Walmart beats up on mom and pop shops, and has for over seventy years.

Bezos beats up on Walmart.

But not Dollar General, the hillbilly Walmart.

Humansville just got a new Dollar Tree and has a Dollar General.
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