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  1. Skippy B. Coyote

    What Makes a Blend Smooth on the Retrohale?

    I've been smoking my pipes daily for a couple years now so I don't feel much like a beginner at this point, but this is one question that seems like it should have a pretty basic answer but has been puzzling me a bit. I've found that I really don't care for blends that have a spicy nose-burning...
  2. Skippy B. Coyote

    The Love of Small Pipes

    I've come to find, as time has gone on, that I'm much more inclined to make the time to relax and have a smoke when I have a small pipe that only takes 20 or 30 minutes to smoke. In the hustle and bustle of modern life it can be difficult to dedicate an hour or more to smoking your pipe, so I've...
  3. Skippy B. Coyote

    Did You Lose Your Taste for Aromatics Over Time?

    At this point I'm about 6 months into my second year of daily pipe smoking and have noticed an odd thing, that aromatics just don't hit my palate quite like they used to anymore. It's not that they taste any different than they ever have, they're still the same blends and taste just the same...
  4. Skippy B. Coyote

    Strong Blends, Gentle on the Throat and Sinuses?

    It's an odd topic, but after smoking Peterson Nightcap the last couple nights before bed it occured to me that it's one of the few blends I've ever smoked with a high nicotine content that didn't irritate my throat or sting my sinuses on the retrohale. Normally when I smoke something rather...
  5. Skippy B. Coyote

    Virginias With Both Bright & Dark Notes

    Now that spring is starting to sproing, or however that goes, I've been finding myself nudging away from my fall and winter burleys and trying out some straight Virginias and Virginia/Perique blends to see if I can find some I really like. Some like Orlik Golden Sliced and Peter Stokkebye PS400...
  6. Skippy B. Coyote

    Increasing a Blend's Nicotine Content Without Altering the Flavor?

    Some recent posts in the TAD Pick-Ups thread got me wondering, is there a particular tobacco that would be a good mixer to increase a blend's nicotine content without altering the flavor? For my specific use case I really love the flavor Cult Blood Red Moon, but I am admittedly a nicotine...
  7. Skippy B. Coyote

    Most Floral Lakelands?

    After trying Gawith Hoggarth's Ennerdale Flake and Kendal Black Cherry I've discovered that I apparently really like Lakeland essence, so I decided to try some of Gawith Hoggarth's other offerings and picked up tins of Bob's Chocolate Flake and Rum Flake (now renamed Jamaican Flake)...
  8. Skippy B. Coyote

    Universal Bowl Covers for Smokers on the Go

    [Note: This is not a commercial post and I am in no way affiliated with any products mentioned or companies making them. I'm just sharing something I found useful as a pipe smoker with an active lifestyle.] Ever since I started pipe smoking the one thing that's always bugged me was that unless...
  9. Skippy B. Coyote

    Reflecting On My First Year As A Pipe Smoker

    My pipe journey has, in some ways, been a big circle. It started about 20 years ago when I was a teenager with a Dr Grabow Lark and a couple pouches of Middleton Cherry and Borkum Riff Bourbon Whiskey. I smoked that pipe off and on for a year or so, but I knew nothing about how to properly pack...
  10. Skippy B. Coyote

    Mac Baren Vanilla Cream: Flake vs Loose Cut Flavor?

    I've become a big fan of Mac Baren's Vanilla Flake, it's easily my favorite vanilla aromatic I've ever smoked, but the flakes are rather dry and fragile so they're not the best for trying to take with you in a tobacco pouch and load a bowl on the go. Since I often load and smoke my pipe while...
  11. Skippy B. Coyote

    Blends Like Early Morning Pipe but Without the Sourness?

    I'll admit that I'm not generally an English blend smoker, I'm usually more of an aromatic and Burley guy, but I've been really enjoying having a bowl or two Peterson Early Morning Pipe every day this past week. I dig the smokey campfire flavor that doesn't taste musky or leathery like most...
  12. Skippy B. Coyote

    Have You Found "Your Blend"?

    I've spent the past year exploring all the different kinds of blends I could get my hands on (Virginias, Burleys, VaPers, VaBurs, Aromatics, and English blends) and the wide range of pipe shapes and styles they can be smoked in, searching for the right pipe style and the right blend for me. At...
  13. Skippy B. Coyote

    Dry Smoking Tobacco-Forward Aromatics?

    In spite of all my adventures with VaPers, VaBurs, and English blends the truth is I just love the aromatics and feel like a blend is missing something if it doesn't have a sweet, fruity, or alcohol element to the flavor. Unfortunately though aromatics are generally made to cover up the flavor...
  14. Skippy B. Coyote

    Howdy From Minnesota!

    Hey there folks! I joined the forum a few days ago because I had some tobacco related questions that needed answering (and they were answered quite well, I might add) but this seems like a nice place where I could learn a lot so I decided to stick around! I've been smoking pipes for about a...
  15. Skippy B. Coyote

    Is it Possible to Have an Allergy to Latakia?

    Hello there everyone! I just joined the forum today, and signed up because I've been having a rather troubling problem I could use some advice on. I've been smoking pipes just about daily for the better part of a year now, since last October, and up until this past month I've always smoked...