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  1. TheWhale13

    Rubbing Out Flakes.

    Grotesque title. Changed. Shame! Do you claim innocence due to living in Scandinavia?? In my deep reflections about Lee's and Marxmen, I came across a very interesting question. Do the members of this forum usually rub out their flakes or fold them?
  2. TheWhale13

    Eating Perique -- Health Benefits?

    Because of perique's fermentation process, it accumulates a ton of good bacteria. So, it must be good to eat. I've thought about mixing it into my smoothies, or just eating it straight. Good for you, and relieves any vitamin N deficiency. Has anybody else done this? Thank. Sent from Ipad.
  3. TheWhale13

    Incredibly Beautiful Straight Grain Radice.

    I recieved this fantastic pipe as a gift, and it is incredibly beautiful. Cumberland stem and impeccable grain. The pics don't do it justice, it's marvelous. Pretty big bowl too, 22x43 mm iirc. Hopefully it smokes as well as it looks too :)
  4. TheWhale13

    Samuel Gawith In Europe?

    I tried some St James Flake a while ago and it was extraordinary. But Samuel Gawith blends have been out of stock here in Europe (at least Germany) since I started smoking. There are some sold in Sweden, but it retails for about $30 per 50g/2oz tin, and that is too much. Does anyone know of...
  5. TheWhale13

    What Is Your Slowest Smoking Tobacco?

    The slowest smoking tobacco that I've ever smoked was a bowl of Saint James Flake, which rubbed out lasted more than 80 minutes, while my ordinary rubbed out bowls usually last less than an hour. I'm looking for more delicious slow smoking tobaccos, so: What is your slowest smoking tobacco?
  6. TheWhale13

    The Great Meerschaum Cake Experiment

    Chasing Embers brought up an interesting view about cake in meerschaum. So let's try an experiment: Is cake beneficial for a meerschaum? This is a most controversial topic, since it goes against the grain of every piece of advice given about meerschaums in a long time. So I will post my...
  7. TheWhale13

    Old Gowrie vs Hal O The Wynd vs Brown Clunee?

    Could anyone care to explain what you find the differences between these popular blends are, and which one you prefer? I myself prefer OG compared to HOTW, for some reason which I can't really explain, maybe the latter is a bit muted in flavor. I've never tried Brown Clunee.
  8. TheWhale13

    Favorite Dan Tobacco Blend?

    Dan tobacco is cheap and plentiful in Europe, so I'm wondering if you have any recommendations or suggestions for people to try.
  9. TheWhale13

    How Latakia is Pronounced in Syria

    I work with some Syrian guys and we happened to talk about the city of Latakia. The way he pronounced it was similar to how I pronounce it in my mind (Lata-kia), he pronounced it like Latha-chia. Not like chia seeds but like slightly clearing your throat. All I know is that it is definitely...
  10. TheWhale13

    How Well Does Vauen No.14 Age?

    I bought a tin of this recently and have almost smoked it all pretty fast. I really enjoy the toppings on this one, and otherwise find it quite similar in taste to both 633 and Meistermischung 88, with the Solani being spicy and the Meistermischung being fruity, while No.14 is nutty with...
  11. TheWhale13

    Making Bowl Last Longer

    I keep seeing people here smoking a bowl for over an hour if not two. I can't seem to make that happen, even if I really try to slow down. Is there a way to make my bowls last longer? I know that the cut makes a difference, and moisture, cadence, and so on. Am I doing something wrong or are...
  12. TheWhale13

    Try More Blends or Cellar What I Know?

    Title edited for caps. Rule 9! Thank you. I am facing a bit of a dilemma right now. I don't know if I should prepare myself for the tobaccopocalypse and rising prices by buying what I like now, or if I should try new things? I am a beginner still, so I have not experienced a lot of tobaccos...
  13. TheWhale13

    Favourite Mac Baren Roll Cake?

    I recently tried the vanilla roll cake which is very nice. So I am going to try some more of their roll cake offerings. Dark twist is on my buy list, club too, but stockton, roll cake or latakia blend I am indecisive about buying. What even is the difference between stockton and club? The...
  14. TheWhale13

    The Paranormal?

    Title edited. Rule 9, please. In my family, there are some people that have a gift. Well, maybe a gift, it is a sense of the paranormal, a connection between life or death, whatever you call it. I don't have anything like this, nor have I experienced anything worth telling, but my aunt is very...
  15. TheWhale13

    Dating Kohlhase & Kopp Tins?

    Does anyone here know a way to date these tins? I found some calculator that seems to have worked before in an old thread. But now it seems to be outdated, since it doesn't calculate with the new letters or something. Thank you.
  16. TheWhale13

    How Can People Taste Anything Without Retrohaling?

    Some people on the internet and forums have said that they believe retrohaling to be unnecessary, but I can't see at all how one could taste anything except ash and smoke without retrohaling. The only flavors we can taste on the tongue is: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami. All other...
  17. TheWhale13

    Virginia Blend with the Most Nicotine?

    Title edited for capitalization. -jpm I am simply wondering if any of you have some tips about what blend of Virginia or VaPer has the (to you) strongest nicotine content?
  18. TheWhale13

    Tobaccos that Shine the Brightest in a Meerschaum?

    I have recently bought this meerschaum, which will probably arrive here soon. I am just wondering if you have any ideas about what kind of tobaccos taste the best in meerschaums? I will probably smoke mainly Virginias in it since that's what I mainly smoke, but also some more aromatic ones...
  19. TheWhale13

    Is a Meerschaum Worth Picking Up?

    I've been looking at a really nice bent billiard AKB with a orange stem, it is a bit more expensive than any other of my briar pipes that I have bought, but a meerschaum seems like a nice change. Do you have anything to convince me or dissuade me to buy it?
  20. TheWhale13

    Mac Baren's Vanilla Roll Cake, Worth a Buy?

    I've been looking at this blend for some time now, and it seems pretty nice. What are your opinions regarding it? Thank you :)