Anyone Play Video Games?

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Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
I was just curious if any members liked to play games... I've had an off and on interest since I was a kid, but for a long time I would mostly just play ports games or the occasional GTA or whatever. But lately, I've been playing a fair amount of RPGs, which I never would have imagined myself playing. It started out with actions RPGs like Elder Scrolls and The Witcher 3, but I just finished Persona 5 a few weeks ago. A Japanese RPG of all things. Turn-based, even! I actually loved it. Right now, I'm playing Diablo III, which I know is an old game, but it's new to me. I've always been a console guy, so I play the PS4 versions of the games I play.

What about you guys? What are you guys playing, if anything?


Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 18, 2018
I'm a former hardcore MMORPG player. My late adolescence was trapped in front of a PC instead of playing sports and chasing girls. Then alcohol came into the picture, and girls.

Now that I'm married and sober video games are quite the treat. I mostly console game now as PCs are costly to maintain and require more effort/time.

I too loved Witcher 3. The Spiderman game was rad, Assassin's Creed Odyssey was one of the best games I've ever played in a series that had gotten rather stale (to me). God of War 4 was amazing. Horizon: Zero Dawn was gorgeous. Uncharted Series is the best Indiana Jones meets die hard sim ever.

I picked up kingdom hearts 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2 on Cyber Monday to try out after I finish the First Law trilogy of books.


Feb 22, 2019
Rockvale, TN
I’ve spent some significant time in Skyrim (ES5) for sure! I love Red Dead Redemption I & II. I need to buy the 2nd one for the PC but I’ve got a woeful case of TAD. Oh and I really enjoy the GTA series also. Great games.

One that I love to open the ‘Valve’ and blow off steam with is Left4Dead 2. It’s showing some age but I still get into it every few months. Good mindless shooter!


Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 7, 2018
New Zealand
It has been awhile but FPS shooter is my thing.
Used to be a mod in a server for Call of Duty Modern Warfare series which is where my username came from. Now I'm waiting expectantly for the new Doom installment. It looks like so much fun! I mean the idea that you can slay demons instead of being fearful of them gets me excited every time.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2019
Lots of great games mentioned here. Skyrim is probably one of the ones which has stuck around the longest for me. I bounce around though. I also have Diablo III Ultimate Evil on my ps3. Gran Turismo games are fun too. Wolfenstein is for when you want to really tear it up but the plot is pretty twisted. Sometimes I crack out the snes or n64. There are some real classics on those old consoles. Almost 30 years since it launched and I finally unlocked the secret levels on Super Mario World LOL


Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
I too loved Witcher 3. The Spiderman game was rad, Assassin's Creed Odyssey was one of the best games I've ever played in a series that had gotten rather stale (to me). God of War 4 was amazing. Horizon: Zero Dawn was gorgeous. Uncharted Series is the best Indiana Jones meets die hard sim ever.

Yes. I loved God of War. Good story and maybe the most enjoyable combat I've ever experienced in a game. Any more suggestions that have satisfying combat like that? I enjoyed the last two AC games, Odyssey and Origins as well. Odyssey was the better game, but I think I preferred the protagonist Bayek in Origins to either choice in Odyssey. I've actually never played any Uncharted. But probably time for me to give one a try. Same with Horizon: Zero Dawn.


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Always been a fascination of mine. Been into computer games since getting my first computer back in AD 1993.

I mostly play oldies, though. The growing prevalence of satanic, woke, and propagandistic content in games is very off-putting. I like RPGs the most, and unfortunately, those are the most polluted by those things.

Any BF members play Sea Dogs? ?:LOL:



Sep 2, 2015
San Francisco Bay Area, USA
Sometimes I crack out the snes or n64. There are some real classics on those old consoles. Almost 30 years since it launched and I finally unlocked the secret levels on Super Mario World LOL

Yeah, I was thinking about getting a Switch, but I guess they don't have Virtual Console or a way to play the classics? I borrowed my brother's old Wii for a while 2 years ago or so just to play a lot of those old games and God, they're great.
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Feb 22, 2019
Rockvale, TN
My youngest son told me he saw a tobacco pipe somewhere in RDR2! He said he tried to steal it / add it to his inventory so he could show it to me but the game wouldn’t let him.

I’m going to be on the lookout for a pipe when I get it. It’d be cool if you could set up Arthur Morgan with a ‘functioning’ pipe in-game!
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Feb 22, 2019
Rockvale, TN
Always been a fascination of mine. Been into computer games since getting my first computer back in AD 1993.

I mostly play oldies, though. The growing prevalence of satanic, woke, and propagandistic content in games is very off-putting. I like RPGs the most, and unfortunately, those are the most polluted by those things.

Any BF members play Sea Dogs? ?:LOL:

View attachment 11777

I remember playing Sid Meier’s Pirates back in the day. Having read O’Brian’s “Master and Commander” and some of Lambdin’s Alan Lewrie books I just had to get it. Plus, it was a Sid Meier game!

Anyone remember the Ultima series back in the day? Great games but took forever to load. I remember the huge dungeon crawl in Ultima Underworld. Fantastic.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 24, 2019
Yes. I loved God of War. Good story and maybe the most enjoyable combat I've ever experienced in a game. Any more suggestions that have satisfying combat like that? I enjoyed the last two AC games, Odyssey and Origins as well. Odyssey was the better game, but I think I preferred the protagonist Bayek in Origins to either choice in Odyssey. I've actually never played any Uncharted. But probably time for me to give one a try. Same with Horizon: Zero Dawn.

I played Uncharted and felt the mechanics were clunky. Good game though. Odyssey was great as well. But my favorite Assassins Creed game is still Black Flag. Pirates, pipes, sailing, great stuff. And make sure to find the sea shanty songs as you go. Some are quite...well I still sing them to myself from time to time. Too bad we didn't sing sea shanties when I sailed the Atlantic. Would have been more fun. Also wished I would've brought my pipe.


Can't Leave
Mar 6, 2018
Zelda Zelda Zelda...if you get the switch get Breath of the Wild. One of the best games I've played. And I spent some time smoking a pipe playing the Wii port of Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess, all good.

For JRPG, Eternal Sonata is beautiful. Sound, images, story, all of it. I was also in the middle of Tales of Vesperia and life happened and stopped. Would love to pick that one back up! Highly recommend both of those!