New Samuel Gawith Tins

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Jul 17, 2017
EDIT: I merged three active threads about the same topic together. - Kevin

I've heard of issues with the new SG tins but couldn't find a thread discussing it already, so apologies if this is a duplicate.

Anyway I'd heard a few things about issues with the seals on the new SG tins, mostly from retailers websites, but I kept thinking about it and got paranoid. I ordered 5 tins of SG Navy Flake a while back and they're the new tins. I decided not to take a chance and go ahead and put all 5 tins into a quart jar.

All 5 tins appeared to be sealed and sound. All 4 corners on the bottom of each tin were dented in. However 1 of these 5 tins had no vacuum and the lid popped straight off. No hiss, no resistance, and the tobacco was considerably dryer than the other 4 tins. Had it not been a Gawith product I expect it would've been crispy.

Has anyone else experienced this with the new tins? Do we know if the packaging company they are using now is a permanent one, or if they're looking for a better product?

I prefer to leave the tins sealed for storage/aging, but don't mind jarring all my Gawith blends. It's just nice to know you need to.
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Jul 10, 2018
Las Vegas
There probably isn't a brand I've ordered that at least one tin didn't show up with a broken seal. I think (hope) it's just a byproduct of shipping.

If you can't smell anything when it arrives I wouldn't worry about it. If you can smell the blend I'd think about smoking that particular tin before any others.
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Dec 30, 2018
I noticed the last few times I’ve encountered SG tins at shops they were beat to hell and horribly dented. The shipment must have been involved in a rollover accident or minor military skirmish, natural disaster or unloaded by a pheromone enraged troop of demented apes because it was way outside the believable realm of normal handling damage. Trust me on this one, I spent a decade in shipping and receiving for some major companies and I’ve seen the results of general stupidity and negligent handling; that much damage is not normal.

Unless SG recently transitioned away from vacuum sealing their tins to having lunatics smashing them closed with ball peen hammers. Could happen I suppose, but somehow I’m betting that’s not the case. ?


Nov 13, 2019
I've heard of issues with the new SG tins but couldn't find a thread discussing it already, so apologies if this is a duplicate.

Anyway I'd heard a few things about issues with the seals on the new SG tins, mostly from retailers websites, but I kept thinking about it and got paranoid. I ordered 5 tins of SG Navy Flake a while back and they're the new tins. I decided not to take a chance and go ahead and put all 5 tins into a quart jar.

All 5 tins appeared to be sealed and sound. All 4 corners on the bottom of each tin were dented in. However 1 of these 5 tins had no vacuum and the lid popped straight off. No hiss, no resistance, and the tobacco was considerably dryer than the other 4 tins. Had it not been a Gawith product I expect it would've been crispy.

Has anyone else experienced this with the new tins? Do we know if the packaging company they are using now is a permanent one, or if they're looking for a better product?

I prefer to leave the tins sealed for storage/aging, but don't mind jarring all my Gawith blends. It's just nice to know you need to.
many people are having this problem. The tins are junk.


Dec 30, 2018

many people are having this problem. The tins are junk.
More likely than my scenarios, lol.

I think I read something recently that part of the supply shortage was difficulty sourcing the tins more than any production or capacity issues. Maybe this is related to that? Maybe the replacement tins they did find are just shitty quality ? Would explain a lot I guess.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Dunno, seem there are a few different tin types. I've had SG tins being gunmetal colour, light gray, bronze. They've all been fine. I recently got a few tins from Europe, all with good seals.

Best smokes I've had from SG were from a tin of 1792 which was nearly folded in half when it came to me, the tobacco had dried to near perfect moisture and gave me some of the best smokes I ever had!


Mar 18, 2021
I recall a Facebook post from Gawith Hoggarth from February last year that said they had issues with supply of tins, so as a temporary solution they used poorer quality tins with a cardboard insert and a couple of dabs of glue to keep things in place. The post went on to say that this was solved and that they had new tins in steel with a cardboard insert but without glue. They seemed confident that these tins were up to snuff (haha) without problems with the seal.

Anecdotally I got 26 of the new steel SG tins in a shipment and one tin had popped. My assumption is that this was when in transit, which seems fine to me, who knows what stresses they are faced with on the road.

Personally I'm keeping a closer watch on rectangular tins and I'm looking for a better long term storage solution.
When I buy tins in the store, I always give removing the lid a try before selecting them. When I get a shipment in from an online retailer, I go through and try to pry all of the lids off. If there isn't a seal, it will come off rather easy, if there is, I cannot pull the lid off at all without a coin to pry it off.

So far, the only tins I have had with a seal failure were obviously from damage in shipping.

If this all worries one, just jar them all. But, I will keep tobaccos in their tins when I can. When I pick something out of the cellar, I will go through and try to open the tins in the area by hand also. So far, no failures.

If I wanted to just re-jar everything compulsively, I would just NEVER buy tins anymore in the first place. It costs almost double for tobacco in a tin... and I'm not sure trying something that only comes in tins is worth it. I know that I could find something just as satisfying in bulk, if I was going to jar everything anyways.
I believe I remember reading that their tin manufacturer stopped making the tins, and they had to get new one from China
Ahhh, then I guess that means that I will no longer be buying any tinned blends from them. I really haven't been a huge Sam Gawith fanboy anyways. I wonder what they didn't just stick to selling bulk instead of inflicting their market with bad tins? ...just to make the extra money? That sort of thing pisses me off about a company.


Might Stick Around
Apr 27, 2021
Ahhh, then I guess that means that I will no longer be buying any tinned blends from them. I really haven't been a huge Sam Gawith fanboy anyways. I wonder what they didn't just stick to selling bulk instead of inflicting their market with bad tins? ...just to make the extra money? That sort of thing pisses me off about a company.
From what I remember, the gist of it was that after their original supplier stopped making them, the Chinese ones were the only tins they could find, but they had said that they were still looking for higher quality tins. But, that’s just what I remember, so don’t take it to the bank. I wouldn’t be surprised if they said they came from Mars, and somehow I remember it being China.
I’m not for all of everything coming from China, but it seems like everything is being moved there these days
Jan 30, 2020
New Jersey
I've jarred everything Gawith, which was just 10 tins and all the gold versions. Unless it's the C&D style tin or some of the round ones, I jar but I don't buy much in 2oz anymore unless it doesn't exist in at least 8oz since I break it all down to smaller amounts and jar anyway.

Gawith has always given off the strongest aroma out of my tins though so I relate them to being the weakest link as far as storage goes.
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Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Ahhh, then I guess that means that I will no longer be buying any tinned blends from them. I really haven't been a huge Sam Gawith fanboy anyways. I wonder what they didn't just stick to selling bulk instead of inflicting their market with bad tins? ...just to make the extra money? That sort of thing pisses me off about a company.
Samuel Gawith (the brand) never did much bulk at all, it is Gawith & Hoggarth (again the brand) that comes mostly in bulk.

Samuel Gawith (the brand) never did much bulk at all, it is Gawith & Hoggarth (again the brand) that comes mostly in bulk.
Well, bulk is a misnomer on my part. They sell the one pound blocks or 500g boxes. I was thinking of those as bulk. Sorry.
But, I would hope that a pipe tobacco company that was having problems with tins would at least consider selling in bulk or boxes, instead of merely using bad tins, so that they could make more money per oz on the tobaccos. I mean, why buy tins if I have to pay more than twice as much for it, and then turn around and buy jars also. That sorta sucks, IMO.


Can't Leave
Dec 26, 2019
Kendal, UK
SG has always been sold in tins mostly.
Unfortunately the tins that used to be used could no longer be sourced, we managed to find other tins ad after trialing these and testing them and being assured by the manufacturers they would seal and remain sealed we bought a load (and we have to buy in large bulk). However, the quality of these tins was not up to scratch as we started to get a few reports of tins not being sealed.
In order to combat this until we could find a new supplier we went with the cardboard inserts.
But due to posts on forums and such, it got to the point where everyone assumed the tins were not sealed, when 90% of them probably were. And if someone yanked on a lid and pulled it off, it was not sealed, when in fact it most likely was but yanking the lid off broke the seal.
It has been a very trying couple of years in this regard with trying to source decent tins, Brexit, covid etc.
But the issue is now very close to being resolved and there is a new tin design, a new sealing method with anti-tamper device.


Mar 18, 2021
SG has always been sold in tins mostly.
Unfortunately the tins that used to be used could no longer be sourced, we managed to find other tins ad after trialing these and testing them and being assured by the manufacturers they would seal and remain sealed we bought a load (and we have to buy in large bulk). However, the quality of these tins was not up to scratch as we started to get a few reports of tins not being sealed.
In order to combat this until we could find a new supplier we went with the cardboard inserts.
But due to posts on forums and such, it got to the point where everyone assumed the tins were not sealed, when 90% of them probably were. And if someone yanked on a lid and pulled it off, it was not sealed, when in fact it most likely was but yanking the lid off broke the seal.
It has been a very trying couple of years in this regard with trying to source decent tins, Brexit, covid etc.
But the issue is now very close to being resolved and there is a new tin design, a new sealing method with anti-tamper device.

Wow - authoritative answer! I can imagine it's been trying times, we are many who enjoy the fruits of you labour so; thank you kindly! Looking forward to finding the new tins.
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