Some Good News!!!

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Mar 21, 2010
This makes a lot of things look brighter to me...



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 15, 2010
Portland, OR
I'm part of this new generation that is catching on, huzzah! Though I disagree that they aren't cigarette substitutes, a buddy of mine is very happy with one 20 dollar drug store pipe and an OTC blend.

And did you notice that he said pipe cleaners were three bucks! Whoa! I pay a dollar and twenty cents for the same brand!

Still...damn good news!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 28, 2010
New Jersey
I am glad it is catching on with the Gen right behind me. I am still working on all my Cig smoking buddies to try and make the switch. I have offered tobacco, pipes and anything else they need. One day they will get on board I just have to be persistant not pushy.



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
Thank you fred.I think we need to hear more positivity like this,no matter how short the clips are.It is very up-lifting and inspiring.I had to watch the video twice to believe it.That would be fantastic if there was a thread that collected this type of up-to-date media where we could go to for stories that follow this theme.I would visit it daily.



Jul 13, 2010
Great news fred. I am with ernest in that the next generation has to help in its own way to help pipe smoking keep alive well into the future.
LOL unclearthur I agree that they thought we were going to kill the planet. It seems to be common for the older gen to think that of the younger. Somhow we will survive.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
Thanks Fred, I enjoyed that video.

Kevin has provided some links to articles that state pretty much the same thing, before.
As for a string dedicated to that idea, I suppose this one will do.

It's got a good title.




Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
This is great news, I hope that all the young cigar and cigarette smokers that come into my local B&M realize that it isn't only for older generations and that they are missing out!



Might Stick Around
May 23, 2009
Hey - Some positive PR, for a change! Coincidentally, I dropped into the shop in the video when I was in Denver not long ago, and the staff told me that they had just started to dedicate a much bigger chunk of their inventory to the pipe-smoking crowd. While I was there, I met a group of college students who were there to purchase their first pipes and get started on the hobby. It was a very pleasant afternoon, and when it came time to leave, the four of us went off happily, each puffing on a briar.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
Anything to get people off of those obnoxious, Ammonia filled, Hydrogen Cyanide laced, Formaldehyde injected, Arsenic(rat poison)sprinkled, nasty-ass stinkin cigarettes that 99% of all cigarette smokers always throw down and litter up the world and clog up our sewer systems with, to the tune of 2 BILLION pounds of Non-Biodegradable plastic based filters. Makes we want to move to a deserted Island to get away from all the un-concientious ass-holes who are oblivious to their self-centered lifestyle. If there are 499 chemicals in cigarettes like the ones listed above, then why don't they just offer one more cigarette that will just kill you instantly, instead of taking 20 years to do so, and just go ahead and get it over with? Then the rest of us won't have to breathe that rancid sh#t while we try to make a living at our workplace, and the roads and waterways won't be littered all up with discarded filters. The insurance companies will pay your Spouse if you smoke 5 packs of cigs a day and die of Lung Cancer over 10 years, but they won't pay her if you stick a gun in your mouth and blow your head off.....there's only ONE difference's the time it takes to complete each task. Our society is such a primitive one, filled with Sheeple. So it is nice to hear that at some college students will quit cigs and switch over to pipes, and quit inhaling all that friggin sh#t. Glad I got that off my chest....again...LOL



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
hobie1dog>>>>>ernest said>> "Just checking this thread Sept,12th,to see if there is any new "good news"----Now ernest is under the table sucking his thumb.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 28, 2010
New Jersey
You know I have realised how shitty Cig smokers are since I have quit smoking ciggies. I am not saying the non-filtered ryo guys but the store bought brand smokers the discard their butts everywhere with out any care for their enviroment. BUT, it so happens we have to deal with them cause once they are snubbed out by the government we are next. I forget the exact post but when everyone else is gone we are all that is left to be screwed with. The manufactors in our world do not have the money to fight the government. So we have to join their side and use their money to help our cause. Shitty I know but you gotta do what it takes to survive.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
I wish hobie1dog wouldn't hold back like that. :)
Don't get me fired up was a good emotional release of tension that had built up during the week as my boss has no smoking signs up on the doors when you come into our building, but he smokes cigs all day at the expense of us. The HVAC system naturally brings it all back throughout the office chocking us to an early death. All he has to do is turn around and open a door behind him, and he's out in the warehouse....but NO, the worthless dickhead of a hemorrhoid on a rats ass, doesn't have the decency because he's too damned lazy.



Can't Leave
Aug 31, 2010
What a beautiful Monday morning at 6:15am.Does anyone have good news this morning?

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