Tobacco chew

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Might Stick Around
Jan 31, 2010
Just got some, and I can already admit that I'll never be a fan of the stuff.

Weird taste af raisins and sugar.



Jun 2, 2010
I have been a fan of all forms of tobacco at one time or another. The pipe is the only thing that stuck. I started chewing when I was a wee lad while hunting with dad and brother and other manly men he he. One of those "chew this boy, it will put hair on your chest and make a man out of you" sort of things. As I grew up I graduated to mass marketed snuff like chewing tobacco like Copenhagen. Then back to long cut, then on to high quality long cut, then to plugs, the occasional cigar, a brief bout with cigarettes, then the pipe and then a turn into the land of high quality snuff like Fribourg and Treyer Bordeaux, macouba, high dry toast...etc. Now I just smoke a pipe and every once in a while have a good cigar or a nice pinch of snuff. I haven't chewed in a long time, but I do remember that the higher quality chewing tobacco was much much better than the mass produced stuff.



Jul 30, 2010
Norman, Oklahoma
I tried it a few time, but every time I did I felt sick afterwards. Not "I am going to throw up" sick just an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach. Same thing with dipping tobacco, always a sick feeling. I guess my body just doesn't like it at all.



Dec 14, 2009
Birmingham, AL
I used to use plug tobacco "Red Bull", but I haven't seen it in a very long time.

Good stuff, but I have always preferred my pipes.
I sometimes use "Twists"-"Sunberry"when my pipe is not an option. e.g. on a long flight.



Can't Leave
Dec 13, 2009
Don't be discouraged; not all chews are created equal and it sounds like you've gotten a hold of a brand that doesn't agree with you.
For something different (and sort of rare in some areas), you may want to try Apple Jack.
There's a plug I like from time to time called "Day's Work". As far as twists, I like both Mammoth Cave regular and sweet.
Beechnut and Red Man are like the Marlboro and Camel of the pouched chew world, but unlike those brands, they're both fine in my book.
If I weren't so worried about my teeth these days, I'd chew a lot more often.



Jun 2, 2010
I agree dudley. Apple Jack is BOMB ! ! ! Never tried "days work" but all this talk has me wanting to have a chew. I started out on the mass produced chewing tobaccos so I do still have a love for them. I started on Mail Pouch as it was my dad's fav. He would always chew a couple sticks of juicy fruit gum and then load his cheek up with Mail Pouch so that he sort of had juicy fruit flavoured chewing tobacco. I have always associated out door work with chewing. Till this day, whenever I do work outside, the thought of having a chew crosses my mind at least once.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 28, 2009
Jacksonville, Florida
I'm like ohin in the sense that I have tried or used pretty much all forms of tobacco sometime in my life. I still chew when I go to my families mountain cabin or when I'm hunting. I only chew Red Man Gold Blend just because thats what all my buddies dad's and my dad chewed when we would got out hunting or camping. I think it was just an acquired taste lol.

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