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  1. FalconForever

    Another Falcon Briar....

    Another little eBay purchase came today. It's another mystery Falcon briar, most definitely not the Coolway range and different again from my other mystery Falcon briar. This looks even older than the other one and well used. I'm not looking to smoke it tbh, but couple of questions.... What...
  2. FalconForever

    Help Please

    Can anyone help here? This is a pouch of St Bruno tobacco. Bought and opened roughly a year ago. Ever since opening it's rolled up tight in pouch, pouch in ziplock bag, bag in airtight tub. Last opened around a month ago and had slightly off flavour which I thought was me. Today the pouch smell...
  3. FalconForever

    Falcon Bantam Bowl

    I've got an old Falcon Bantam bowl which I'd like to do something with. No suggestions of where to put it and yes Falcons are not everyone's cup of tea and yes it's not a real pipe and I'd be wasting time on a drilled out doorknob, etc, etc. That done, is it possible to clean this up in a way...
  4. FalconForever

    Quick Smoke Today...

    Tried a bowl of Erinmore this afternoon. Not 100% convinced but its okay. Similar but not as bad as Clan, Condor etc. Think I definately prefer the St Bruno styles and dark cherry stuff. I also tried my new old Falcon Briar - I'm trying to identify this pipe. Its NOT the Falcon Coolway range...
  5. FalconForever

    My Little Collection....

    These are my smoking pipes that I use. I have six straight pipes, all Falcons. I have another six bent pipes, five are Falcons and one Invicta. The round stand and tobacco jar is from the 1950s I think and the classic five bar gate stand is from the 1960s I think. Kitsch but cool....😎 Finally...
  6. FalconForever

    Today The Postman Brought....

    My new Falcon Coolway Model 103 along with two American tobacco sampler packs, some Erinmore and Amphora OTC blends to try. I think I'm pretty stocked up now and will enjoy the year slowly puffing through them!
  7. FalconForever

    Happy Easter Folks

    Well, the season of Lent is over. Our Lord is risen in glory, amen. After Mass and family dinner, I'm now in my shed with fresh coffee and my Falcon Extra Bent with a fresh bowl of Mac Baren Cube. It's my first smoke since Lent started. Happy Easter all, God Bless.
  8. FalconForever

    Show Us Your Invictas

    My only non-Falcon (or Falcon made pipe) is made by Invicta Pipes. It was / is a small company that started life as a pipe repair firm in my home town not far from where I was born. When I found that out I had to get just one. I recently did this and managed to bag this absolutely beautiful...
  9. FalconForever

    Show Us Your Falcons!

    Only threads I could find are a few years old so I'd thought I'd try and get you to drag some of your beautiful or neglected Falcons.inyo the daylight! Free the flock! Here's my steadily growing collection, mostly new pipes but I have a small and growing 'museum' of older ones, some of which...
  10. FalconForever

    Non-metal Falcon

    Hoping this is in the right forum.... I almost exclusivley smoke Falcon pipes. I have a small selection I use and a small 'collection' of older ones that I don't use that are displayed. I picked this one up from eBay a while back as I have never seen one before or since. Its all briar with...
  11. FalconForever

    Hello From Sussex, England

    Hello! New to the forum but used it for information for a while, so decided to join. I smoke irregularly, mainly OTC British brand tobaccos, my go-to's being St Bruno and Gold Block. I am a massive fan of the Falcon Pipe range, the pipe that I remember uncles and neighbours smoking when I was a...